

The gardens are beginning to burst into colour. Hedges can be a surprising splash of colour at this time of the year. Photinias provide a lot of colour now. Shrubs that can be used as a hedge instead of Photinia are the lovely Rondeletia, Viburnum and Brunsfelsia (Yesterday Today and Tomorrow).

Bulbs planted earlier in the year are starting to flower and this is a time to enjoy the wonderful perfumes that are floating around the garden. Go for a walk in your neighbourhood to see what is doing well.


Earth-based kitty litter makes an excellent, environmentally-friendly snail deterrent.

Garden Maintenance

This month continue to plant the summer flowering bulbs, as in August. Also plant Bearded Iris, Dahlia, Eucharis and Gloriosa Lily, Lycoris and Sprekelia formosissima (Aztec Lily).

Plant annuals and vegetables for Christmas, make your choices at your local nursery. Look for compact, healthy seedlings. Long, leggy seedlings do not have the strength to grow well. And remember to protect against snails.

Fertilise, fertilise and fertilise. Remember it is frequency, not strength that counts. Fertilise annuals with a soluble fertiliser every two weeks. Do not forget to deadhead annuals to keep them flowering longer. It is time to feed lawns, but depending on drought conditions wait until it rains. All garden beds will appreciate some fertiliser watered in well. And mulch, mulch, mulch, to survive the coming hot weather, reduce watering and keep roots cool. If using blood and bone fertiliser always add 10% Sulphate of Potash because our soils are low in Potash. The easiest mix is one handful to ten (10) of Blood and Bone.

If you are lucky enough to have a worm farm or know someone who does, then this is the time to be using a diluted mix to fertilise your plants. You can hear the plants going 'yummy!'

Trim Plumbago, Diosma and Camellias after flowering. The Maybush can have dead canes cut out. To prune Daphne just pick the flowers. Pinch out the tips of Geraniums and Fuchsias. Spray for lace bugs on Azaleas, thrips on Gladiolus, aphids on Pansies and Bearded Iris. Dispose of Aphids on Roses by hand as this time of year they are not so numerous. Squash them between fingers while wearing rubber gloves. Check for caterpillars on Stocks, wallflowers and Nasturtiums, they can be removed the same way as the Aphids.

© 2020 West Wollongong Garden Club Inc.