
Our herd is primarily registered Nigerian Dwarf goats, with a pair of Alpine does, and a few unregistered does. All of our registered Nigerian Dwarf goats come from exceptional milking lines and will make wonderful home milkers, show goats and/or pets. The kids born to our Alpine doe will be Mini-Alpines (Alpine x Nigerian Dwarf) and combine the best of both breeds. These kids should have great milk potential due to their larger size from their Alpine dam's and still possess the efficiency and higher butterfat content from their Nigerian Dwarf sire.

These goats are exceptional natural weed-eaters, make great pets or 4H projects and can be an excellent source of highly nutritious and digestible milk too! We have compiled some informational pages about goat care and our practices available here.

Please feel free to browse the other Nigerian Dwarf Goats pages for more information about our does, herdsires and breeding lineup. This site is always a work in progress and some information may be missing or incomplete. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you!

This was our first buck Tristan as a weanling (picture courtesy of Freedom Star Farm).