Thark Ridge Devils Throne Sites
From Big Bend it takes 2 hours to reach the end of the Thark Ridge track where it joins the old fire trail to Montagu
There are a number of work sites
The saddle area is about 40 minutes walk (site for Sept 2019 event)
Maps below are shortly to be changed
The Thark Devils work site is aproximately a 1 hour walk from Big Bend carpark. These sites are from the saddle on Thark Ridge to the Devil's Throne track beyond the wet moorland.
The track is now in quite good condition and is easy to follow and walk along.
Anyone used to bushwalking would have little trouble walking to the work site.
Thark Ridge work site - section 1.
Thark Devils work site
Meeting Location
Just above the roundabout in Davey Street with Lynton Ave and Darcy St. So far we have found that there is ample parking there.