Amateur (Ham) radio

With all of the weather reports that the National Weather Service gets via social media, it is known that ham radio continues to offer one of the the fastest and most reliable means of relaying weather reports when they happen.

A few things contribute to Ham radio being the front runner in speed.

  • Hams have an advantage over typing and sending a report simply because voice is instant.
  • A well prepared operator has emergency backup power. If the power goes out in the neighborhood, backup battery power can then be used.
  • Reliable communications means not wondering if a storm has knocked out internet signals when you need them most.

Training exercises on the air.

The Walworth County Weather Spotters along other field teams from counties that are recognized and part of the Sullivan Committee (SulCom), take part in monthly exercises on SulCom backbone resources. These exercises are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 8:00pm. These exercises offer an opportunity, for people performing the role of relay station for their team, to train on properly formatting and communicating a simulated storm report.

On the second Tuesday of each month, the Walworth County Weather Spotters conduct our own monthly exercise on our primary frequency and is run almost the same as the SulCom exercise. We also include general weather program information and to answer any questions that fellow spotters may have about the program.

You can find us on the 146.865 Mhz. W9ELK repeater. Our exercises commence at 7:45pm.

Hit the radio waves

Ever wonder what it takes to become an amateur radio operator? With a bit of time and study, you can get your license and be on the airwaves.

Check out these links about getting started in amateur radio.

Area radio clubs

Amateur radio clubs have members that will be willing to answer questions you may have about the hobby.

In Walworth county, there is the Lakes Area Amateur Radio Club (LAARC).

This club holds a meeting/breakfast on every third Saturday of each month. Anyone who may be interested in Ham radio can attend these meetings/breakfasts. You do not have to be a member. It is the perfect time to ask as many questions you may have about the hobby as there is always someone willing to share information.