Knitted / crocheted charitable gifts

On occasion, we are given unused knitted and crocheted items of clothing, blankets, afghans etc. to pass onto our chosen charities. We are more than happy to do this

In this connection, there is an inspiring story to tell you. One day, we received an email which said:

"My aunt Molly passed her time knitting slippers. We have some pairs of knitted slippers and we would like to donate them to a charitable organization. Would the West Carleton Country Knitters be interested in adding these slippers to your donation pile?"

Of course, we said YES! and many thanks, and could we pick these up from her (in the general area), or would they prefer to drop them off to one of our members? We did not hear anything for a few days, and then we found a box on a member's doorstep. What a splendid surprise! In it were almost two dozen beautifully made slippers, plus a gorgeous colourful crocheted afghan, a large patterned knitted blanket and a second lovely knitted afghan! What wonderful gifts for people in need.

Molly's knitted and crocheted gifts

If you would like to donate a finished and unused knitted or crocheted item, please contact us!

We do not accept any form of cash or cheques, but suggest that anyone wishing to make a monetary donation should do so directly to a charity for whom we are currently working.