CAROLINE is our head trainer and Chairman, she has a degree in education and is a qualified teacher with over 35 years experience. For nearly 40 years she has been at club, helping owners learn the skills they need to train their dogs (that's dedication).
Caroline has an Advanced Diploma in Applied Animal Behaviour (Canine - Distinction), is a full member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, is an A-list - KC-accredited examiner for the Kennel Club Good Citizens Dog Scheme awards and a qualified CHUK(Canine Hoopers UK) instructor. Caroline is a (Grade 4) Agility competitor and instructs foundation agility classes, she has also completed the KC GCDS awards with her own dogs. Caroline has been a dog owner all her life and has shared it with some amazing rescue dogs.
Caroline has attended courses and seminars by world-renowned dog behaviourists and trainers such as John Rogerson, Gwen Bailey, John Fisher, Roy Hunter, Dawn Weaver, Toni Shelbourne and continues to expand her knowledge of modern training approaches through trainers/behaviourists including Chirag Patel, Jane Killion, Amber Batson, Janet Finlay, Karolina Westlund and Jane Ardern.
Please view CPD below:!Ak4zaRZ_haFRwClXHZbOCeesDo5C?e=L0l6qM
Caroline Simkin MAPDT (No.01307) MISAP