ESGO Options

A Russian translation of most of these options is available here under the optional downloads.

Each option will be in the following format:

Option Name (valid option settings)

Description of what the option does.

Click the menus below to expand and see the options available under it.


Scaling (On/Off)

Toggles the mod's enemy scaling functionality. If you don't want it or you want to temporarily disable it, you can do it with this option.

Upscale Only (On/Off)

If on, will only scale enemies below your current level. If off, it will scale all enemies.

Scaling Mode (Simple/Dynamic/Group)

Toggles which type of scaling is used. Simple Scaling will scale all enemies equally. Dynamic Scaling allows you to set up scaling by type of enemy (such as humans, beasts, etc.) and by your current level. So you can scale enemies by only a couple of levels when you are level 5 and by many levels when you are level 35. Group Scaling scales all enemies the same whether they are human or monster. However, it scales enemies based on how much weaker or stronger than you they are. Think of it as rubber banding. Enemies that were normally much weaker than you are still weaker, but now more powerful so they aren't pushovers. Enemies that were close to your level are kept there and are not much higher or lower level. Enemies that were much higher level are kept as being higher level, but are now closer to your level, thus making them easier to kill.

Bestiary Fix (On/Off)

Having this on means that enemies killed by your followers or enemies that die by themselves (Rotfiends for example) will get added to your bestiary. Having this off means you must land the killing blow on them yourself.

Durability Damage (Improved/Vanilla/Off)

Improved means your equipment will get damaged at half the speed of vanilla. Having it off means you will have infinite durability and your equipment will not decay. If you want much more control over how item durability is handled, check out the mod Endure. It is compatible with ESGO. Leave this setting at Vanilla and use Endure to customize item durability instead. 

Show Enemy Level (On/Off)

Controls whether the enemies level can be seen next to an enemy's health bar or not.

Hide Quest Levels (On/Off)

This option will hide quest level in your quest journal and on the map. Changing this setting while playing requires loading a save before it takes effect.

Automatic Leveling Gear (On/Off)

If turned on, your equipped swords and armor will level up with you. Equipping a lower level sword or armor will also level it up to your level. If Gear Level Requirement is off, this option will scale higher level items down to match your current level when you equip them.

Gear Level Requirement (On/Off)

Turning this option off will allow you to equip gear that is higher than your current level.

Max Item Level Difference (0 – 50)

This only works if Gear Level Requirement is off. If set to 0, you can always use equipment no matter what level. Otherwise, it lowers item level requirement by amount set here. For example: if you set this to 5, you can use a level 35 sword at level 30, but not a level 36 sword. 

Show Gear Levels (On/Off)

Controls whether you can see the level of gear in your inventory. Recommended to leave it on unless you have Gear Level Requirement turned off.

Gold Reward Multiplier (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much money you receive from quests. 0.5 would half the reward and 2 would double it.

Axii Level for Dialog (0 – 3)

Allows you to use Axii in conversations without needing the Delusion skill. 0 turns it off and 1 – 3 sets the skill level. This does not affect the combat portion of the Delusion skill.

Enhanced Targeting

Enabled (On/Off)

Turns enhanced targeting on or off obviously.

Camera Direction Weight (0 – 3)

Controls how important the camera direction is when choosing an attack target. More important for mouse and keyboard. The higher this is, the more likely you will target enemies that the camera is pointing at.

Movement Direction Weight (0 – 3)

Controls how important the movement direction is when choosing an attack target. More important for controllers. The higher this is, the more likely you will target enemies towards your movement direction.

Facing Direction Weight (0 – 3)

Controls how important the direction Geralt is facing is when choosing an attack target. The higher this is, the more likely you will target enemies in front of Geralt.

Target Distance Weight (1 – 3)

Controls how important the target’s distance is when choosing an attack target. The higher this is, the more likely you will target the closest enemies. 

Hysteresis (Target Stickiness) (1 – 2)

Controls how likely you will change targets. This will reduce sudden changes in targeting, especially while attacking. The higher this is, the less likely you will change targets.

In-Frame Check (On/Off)

Turning this on means you can’t attack an enemy if he is not on screen. Turning this off means you will choose targets regardless of him being on screen or off.

Cast Signs Towards Camera (On/Off)

Turn this on to cast signs in the direction the camera is facing. Turn this off to cast signs towards the targeted enemy.

Disable Camera Lock on Target Lock (On/Off)

Controls whether the camera automatically follows a hard locked target.


Soft Lock (On/Off)

This option controls whether Geralt will automatically choose targets based on the games soft lock. If turned off, you will attack based on the Targeting Mode option. Turning this off will disable the Enhanced Targeting menu since it manipulates the soft lock.

Targeting Mode (Camera/Movement)

This option only works if Soft Lock is set to off. Camera targeting means Geralt will attack where you aim with the camera (very precise attacks if using a mouse and easy to manage, not recommended for controllers). Movement targeting means Geralt will attack in the direction you are holding your movement keys or analog stick (good for controllers since they have more than just 8 axis movement).

Crossbow Soft Lock (On/Off)

Enabling this option will make it so even if you have Soft Lock turned off, Geralt will still automatically lock onto the highlighted target if using his crossbow.

Automatic Combat Stance (On/Off)

This option controls whether Geralt uses the fighting stance when combat starts. If set to off, Geralt will stand the same way he/she would when not in combat and move the same way while retaining the ability to attack, block and dodge.


Skill Level (0 – 5)

0 requires the Whirl skill to be slotted to work. 1 – 5 allows you to use whirl at the skill level chosen without having the skill.

Stamina Usage (0 – 5)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for your whirl stamina usage. For example: whirl would use only half as much stamina at 0.5 and whirl would use twice as much stamina at 2.

Adrenaline Usage (0 – 5)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for your whirl adrenaline usage. For example: whirl would use only half as much adrenaline at 0.5 and whirl would use twice as much adrenaline at 2.

Range Extension (On/Off)

If on, you can hit enemies at a greater distance when using whirl.

Damage Multiplier (0 – 10)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for how much damage whirl does. For example: whirl would only do half as much damage at 0.5 and whirl would do twice as much damage at 2.


Note: Some of the rend options don't work unless you have the skill slotted. It's a bug that I haven't been able to fix.

Skill Level (0 – 5)

0 requires the Rend skill to be slotted to work. 1 – 5 allows you to use rend at the skill level chosen without having the skill.

Stamina Usage (0 – 5)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for your rend stamina usage. For example: rend would use only half as much stamina at 0.5 and rend would use twice as much stamina at 2.

Adrenaline Usage (0 – 5)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for your rend adrenaline usage. For example: rend would use only half as much adrenaline at 0.5 and rend would use twice as much adrenaline at 2.

Range Extension (On/Off)

If on, you can hit enemies at a greater distance when using rend.

Damage Multiplier (0 – 10)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for how much damage rend does. For example: rend would only do half as much damage at 0.5 and rend would do twice as much damage at 2.

Adrenaline Damage Multiplier (0 – 10)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for the bonus damage rend does from adrenaline. 

Stamina Damage Multiplier (0 – 10)

Allows you to choose a multiplier for the bonus damage rend does from stamina.

Combat Speed > General

Enable Mod (On/Off)

Turns the Combat Speed part of the mod on or off.

Witcher Speed Skill Requirement (On/Off)

Determines whether you need the Muscle Memory, Strength Training, and Fleet Footed skills to change speed in the Witcher Speed menu.

Enable Armor Speed Modifiers (On/Off)

Turns on or off armor affecting speed.

Enable Adrenaline Speed Modifiers (On/Off)

Turns on or off adrenaline affecting speed.

Adrenaline Speed Requires Razor Focus (On/Off)

Determines whether you need the Razor Focus skill to change speed in the Adrenaline Speed menu.

Limit Maximum Speed to 200% (On/Off)

Turn on to limit maximum speed to 200%. Recommended since it looks wacky if you go much faster.

Limit Minimum Speed to 50% (On/Off)

Turn on to limit minimum speed to 50%. Recommended since it looks wacky if you go much slower, plus it's a fail-safe in case some glitch causes speed to hit extreme lows. I actually recommend not reducing speed by more than 30-35% since some glitches still pop up in the 40-50% range.

combat Speed > Witcher Speed Modifiers

Fast Attack Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases fast attack speed by amount set here per skill level in Muscle Memory. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is On. Example: Setting this to 3 and having level 5 Muscle Memory, will make fast attacks 15% faster.

Strong Attack Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases strong attack speed by amount set here per skill level in Strength Training. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is On. Example: Setting this to 5 and having level 5 Strength Training, will make strong attacks 25% faster.

Dodge Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases dodge speed by amount set here per skill level in Fleet Footed. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is On. Example: Setting this to 4 and having level 5 Fleet Footed, will make dodging 20% faster.

Roll Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases roll speed by amount set here per skill level in Fleet Footed. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is On. Example: Setting this to 4 and having level 5 Fleet Footed, will make rolling 20% faster.

Whirl Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases whirl speed by amount set here per skill level in Whirl. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is On. Example: Setting this to 2 and having level 5 Whirl, will make whirl 10% faster.

Rend Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases rend speed by amount set here per skill level in Rend. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is On. Example: Setting this to 2 and having level 5 Rend, will make rend 10% faster.

Fast Attack Speed % Modifier (No Skill Requirement) (-50 - 200)

Changes fast attack speed by amount set here. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is Off. Example: Setting this to 25, will make fast attacks 25% faster.

Strong Attack Speed % Modifier (No Skill Requirement) (-50 - 200)

Changes strong attack speed by amount set here. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is Off. Example: Setting this to 25, will make strong attacks 25% faster.

Dodge Speed % Modifier (No Skill Requirement) (-50 - 200)

Changes dodge speed by amount set here. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is Off. Example: Setting this to 25, will make dodging 25% faster.

Roll Speed % Modifier (No Skill Requirement) (-50 - 200)

Changes roll speed by amount set here. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is Off. Example: Setting this to 25, will make rolling 25% faster.

Whirl Speed % Modifier (No Skill Requirement) (-50 - 200)

Changes whirl speed by amount set here. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is Off. Example: Setting this to 25, will make whirl 25% faster.

Rend Speed % Modifier (No Skill Requirement) (-50 - 200)

Changes rend speed by amount set here. Only works if Witcher Speed Skill Requirement is Off. Example: Setting this to 25, will make rend 25% faster.

Combat Speed > Armor Speed Modifiers

Light Armor Fast Attack Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts fast attack speed by amount set here per piece of light armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of light armor will make fast attacks 16% faster.

Light Armor Strong Attack Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts strong attack speed by amount set here per piece of light armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of light armor will make strong attacks 16% faster.

Light Armor Dodge Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts dodge speed by amount set here per piece of light armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of light armor will make dodging 16% faster.

Light Armor Roll Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts roll speed by amount set here per piece of light armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of light armor will make rolling 16% faster.

Light Armor Whirl Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts whirl speed by amount set here per piece of light armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 3 and wearing 4 pieces of light armor will make whirl 12% faster.

Light Armor Rend Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts rend speed by amount set here per piece of light armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 3 and wearing 4 pieces of light armor will make rend 12% faster.

Medium Armor Fast Attack Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts fast attack speed by amount set here per piece of medium armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of medium armor will make fast attacks 16% faster.

Medium Armor Strong Attack Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts strong attack speed by amount set here per piece of medium armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of medium armor will make strong attacks 16% faster.

Medium Armor Dodge Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts dodge speed by amount set here per piece of medium armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of medium armor will make dodging 16% faster.

Medium Armor Roll Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts roll speed by amount set here per piece of medium armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 4 and wearing 4 pieces of medium armor will make rolling 16% faster.

Medium Armor Whirl Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts whirl speed by amount set here per piece of medium armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 3 and wearing 4 pieces of medium armor will make whirl 12% faster.

Medium Armor Rend Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts rend speed by amount set here per piece of medium armor equipped. Example: Setting this to 3 and wearing 4 pieces of medium armor will make rend 12% faster.

Heavy Armor Fast Attack Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts fast attack speed by amount set here per piece of heavy armor equipped. Example: Setting this to -4 and wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor will make fast attacks 16% slower.

Heavy Armor Strong Attack Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts strong attack speed by amount set here per piece of heavy armor equipped. Example: Setting this to -4 and wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor will make strong attacks 16% slower.

Heavy Armor Dodge Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts dodge speed by amount set here per piece of heavy armor equipped. Example: Setting this to -4 and wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor will make dodging 16% slower.

Heavy Armor Roll Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts roll speed by amount set here per piece of heavy armor equipped. Example: Setting this to -4 and wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor will make rolling 16% slower.

Heavy Armor Whirl Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts whirl speed by amount set here per piece of heavy armor equipped. Example: Setting this to -3 and wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor will make whirl 12% slower.

Heavy Armor Rend Speed Adjustment (-20 - 50)

Adjusts rend speed by amount set here per piece of heavy armor equipped. Example: Setting this to -3 and wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor will make rend 12% slower.

Combat Speed > Adrenaline Speed Modifiers

Fast Attack Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases fast attack speed by amount set here per adrenaline point. Example: Setting this to 2 and having 3 adrenaline points will make fast attacks 6% faster.

Strong Attack Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases strong attack speed by amount set here per adrenaline point. Example: Setting this to 4 and having 3 adrenaline points will make strong attacks 12% faster.

Dodge Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases dodge speed by amount set here per adrenaline point. Example: Setting this to 3 and having 3 adrenaline points will make dodging 9% faster.

Roll Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases roll speed by amount set here per adrenaline point. Example: Setting this to 3 and having 3 adrenaline points will make rolling 9% faster.

Whirl Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases whirl speed by amount set here per adrenaline point. Example: Setting this to 2 and having 3 adrenaline points will make whirl 6% faster.

Rend Speed Increase (0 - 50)

Increases rend speed by amount set here per adrenaline point. Example: Setting this to 2 and having 3 adrenaline points will make rend 6% faster.

Witcher Rage

Stamina Regeneration Multiplier (0.05 – 5)

Modifies how quickly your stamina regenerates. 0.5 would half your stamina regeneration while 2 would double it.

Stamina Cost – Fast Attacks (0 – 100)

The amount of stamina you use when you fast attack. If set to 5, you would use 5 stamina every time you fast attack.

Stamina Cost – Strong Attacks (0 – 100)

The amount of stamina you use when you strong attack. If set to 5, you would use 5 stamina every time you strong attack.

Stamina Cost – Evasion (0 – 100)

The amount of stamina you use when you dodge or roll. If set to 5, you would use 5 stamina every time you dodge or roll.

Stamina Regen Delay – Fast Attacks (0 – 3)

The amount of time in seconds that your stamina regeneration is delayed when you fast attack. If set to 0.5, your stamina regeneration would be delayed for 0.5 seconds every time you fast attack.

Stamina Regen Delay – Strong Attacks (0 – 3)

The amount of time in seconds that your stamina regeneration is delayed when you strong attack. If set to 0.5, your stamina regeneration would be delayed for 0.5 seconds every time you strong attack.

Stamina Regen Delay –Evasion (0 – 3)

The amount of time in seconds that your stamina regeneration is delayed when you dodge or roll. If set to 0.5, your stamina regeneration would be delayed for 0.5 seconds every time you dodge or roll.

Speed Malus – Max Reduction Percentage at No Stamina (0 – 100)

This option gives a reduction on attack, dodge, and roll speed based on how much stamina you have. The less stamina you have the more you are slowed. For example: if set to 25, you would have full speed at full stamina, be 12.5% slower at half stamina, and be 25% slower at no stamina. You must have the "Enable Mod" option turned on under the "Combat Speed > General" section for this to work.

Speed Malus – Max Reduction Percentage at No Health (0 – 100)

This option gives a reduction on attack, dodge, and roll speed based on how much health you have. The less health you have the more you are slowed. For example: if set to 25, you would have full speed at full health, be 12.5% slower at half health, and be 25% slower at no health. Actually, you would be 100% slower at no health because you would be dead, but I think you get the idea. You must have the "Enable Mod" option turned on under the "Combat Speed > General" section for this to work.

The Butcher of Blaviken

Butcher of Blaviken (On/Off)

Allows toggling the ability on or off.

Low Stamina Block Break (On/Off)

Allows you to break the enemy's block if he has low stamina.

Finisher Vulnerability (On/Off)

If on, you can take damage and even die while performing finishers, otherwise you are invulnerable.

Allow Automatic Finishers (On/Off)

If off, you will be forced to perform manual finishers. If it is on, it does whatever you set Automatic Finishers to in the vanilla Gameplay options. To perform a manual finisher, attack once the enemy is dead and holding his hands to his throat.

Finisher Chance (0 – 100)

Controls the percentage chance of performing a finisher (also works if Butcher of Blaviken is turned off). Note: When set to 100, you still are not guaranteed a finisher. The final chance is modified by other conditions.

Finisher Adrenaline Gain (0 – 3)

Controls the amount of adrenaline gained on a successful finisher.

Dismemberment Chance (0 – 100)

Controls the percentage chance of dismembering an enemy (also works if Butcher of Blaviken is turned off).

Dismemberment Adrenaline Gain (0 – 3)

Controls the amount of adrenaline gained on a dismemberment kill.

Defender's Resolve

Vanilla Counter (On/Off)

Set to on if you want parrying and countering to work just like the vanilla game. Set to off to use the options below to customize how parrying and countering work.

Parry – Heavy Attack (On/Off)

Controls whether you can parry heavy attacks or not without getting staggered or taking damage (can't parry charge attacks or jumps of monsters). If Heavy Attack Countering is not on, you cannot counter heavy attacks but you can block them.

Parry – Heavy Attack Staggers (On/Off)

Sort of a balancing option for the Heavy Attack Parry option. Only works if that one is enabled. You can still parry heavy attacks without taking damage, but you get staggered which could possibly expose you to other incoming hits.

Parry – Arrow (Without Skill) (On/Off)

Turn this on to allow you to deflect arrows without needing the skill. This works even if you set countering to vanilla.

Counter – Heavy Attack (On/Off)

Controls whether you can counter heavy attacks or not. If Heavy Attack Parrying is not on, you can still counter heavy attacks and perform your preferred counter type, but just trying to block them will still stagger and damage you.

Counter – Arrow (Without Skill) (On/Off)

Turn this on to allow you to deflect arrows back at the archers without needing the skill. This works even if you set countering to vanilla.

Counter – Adrenaline Gain (On/Off)

Controls whether you gain adrenaline when countering.

Counter – Amount Gained (0 – 3)

Sets the amount of adrenaline you gain when countering.

Counter – Human Attacks (Sword Counter/Kick/Bash)

Controls which type of counter you perform when countering regular human attacks.

Counter – Heavy Human Attacks (Sword Counter/Kick/Bash)

Controls which type of counter you perform when countering heavy human attacks.

Counter – Human Attacks (Two-Handed Weapon) (Sword Counter/Kick/Bash)

Controls which type of counter you perform when countering two-handed weapon human attacks.

Counter – Monster Attacks (Sword Counter/Kick/Bash)

Controls which type of counter you perform when countering regular monster attacks.

Counter – Heavy Monster Attacks (Sword Counter/Kick/Bash)

Controls which type of counter you perform when countering heavy monster attacks.

Sword Counter – Bleed Damage Per Skill Level (0 – 150)

Applies bleeding damage if the sword counter was used. It does the amount of damage specified here per second per skill level in the counter attack skill. For example: if you have level 3 in the counter attack skill and set bleed damage to 25, you would do 75 bleed damage per second.

Sword Counter – Bleed Duration Per Skill Level (0 – 15)

Sets the duration of the bleeding effect when the sword counter is used. It does the amount specified here in seconds per skill level in the counter attack skill. For example: if you have level 3 in the counter attack skill and set bleed duration to 5, you would do bleeding damage for 15 seconds.

Sword Counter – Chance to Disarm Shields (On/Off)

If on, you can make a shielded enemy drop their shield if you have the counter attack skill and use the sword counter.

Kick Counter – Stamina Damage Per Skill Level (0 – 150)

Reduces enemy stamina by amount set here per level in the counter attack skill. For example: if you have level 3 in the counter attack skill and set stamina damage to 25, the enemy would lose 75 stamina when you perform a kick counter.

Kick Counter – Stamina Regeneration Delay (0 – 10)

Sets how long in seconds that the enemy’s stamina regeneration is delayed if you use a kick counter on them.

Bash Counter (Knockdown) – Player Adrenaline Threshold (0 – 6)

Sets how many adrenaline points you must have to be able to knockdown an enemy when using the bash counter. You must have the counter attack skill for this to work.

Bash Counter (Knockdown) – Player Stamina Threshold (0 – 100)

Sets how much stamina you must have to be able to knockdown an enemy when using the bash counter. You must have the counter attack skill for this to work.

Bash Counter (Knockdown) – Enemy Health Threshold (0 – 100)

Sets the percentage of health the enemy has to be below to knock them down when using the bash counter. If set to 60, the enemy would have to be below 60% health for you to knock them down. You must have the counter attack skill for this to work.

Dodge – No Fleet Footed Stagger (On/Off)

Controls whether you get staggered or not if using the Fleet Footed perk and taking a hit while in the dodge animation (Fleet Footed lowers damage taken while in the dodge animation up to 100% and with this option it prevents you from getting staggered too).

No Fleet Footed Stagger – Level (1 – 5)

If the No Fleet Footed Stagger option is on, this one controls from which level of the talent the effect gets activated. If set to 3 and the no stagger option is on, Fleet Footed will prevent you from getting staggered out of a dodge animation only if it is at least level 3.

Adrenaline Control

The generation and degeneration settings below are multipliers. So 0.5 would half and 2 would double the gain or loss.

Maximum Adrenaline Points (0 – 6)

The maximum amount of adrenaline points you can get. The vanilla game only allows 3. If you go higher than that, you will not be able to see it on the HUD. It still works properly though.

Adrenaline Generation – Melee (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you gain from melee attacks.

Adrenaline Generation – Bombs (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you gain from using bombs.

Adrenaline Generation – Signs (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you gain from using signs.

Adrenaline Generation – Ranged (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you gain from using the crossbow.

Adrenaline Degeneration – Light Hits (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you lose from being hit by light attacks.

Adrenaline Degeneration – Heavy Hits (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you lose from being hit by heavy attacks.

Adrenaline Degeneration – Super Heavy Hits (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how much adrenaline you lose from being hit by super heavy attacks (Heavy attacks from large monsters like fiends).

Adrenaline Degeneration – Over Time (Non-Combat) (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how fast you lose adrenaline over time when not in combat.

Adrenaline Degeneration – Over Time (Combat) (0 – 10)

Multiplier for how fast you lose adrenaline over time when in combat. The Combat Adrenaline Degeneration option below needs to be turned on for this to work.

Maximum Adrenaline Time Drain – Combat (0 – 6)

The maximum amount of adrenaline points you can lose over time while in combat. For example: if set to 1, you cannot lose more than 1 adrenaline point over time while in combat. You can still lose more from being attacked.

Maximum Adrenaline Time Drain – Non-Combat (0 – 6)

The maximum amount of adrenaline points you can lose over time when not in combat. For example: if set to 1, you cannot lose more than 1 adrenaline point over time when not in combat.

Combat Adrenaline Degeneration (On/Off)

If on, you can lose adrenaline during combat over time even if you are not hit. If off, you will not lose adrenaline over time during combat. You will still lose adrenaline over time outside of combat and when hit during combat.


Enemy Combat Aggressiveness (Very Low, Lower, Low, Normal, High, Higher, Very High)

Gives enemies more or less stamina, which causes them to use their abilities more or less respectively. For example: when fighting a cyclops, if you have aggressiveness set to very low, you shouldn’t see him use his charge attack very much. But if set to very high, you will see him use it a lot.

Chance to Lower Guard (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how likely enemies will lower their guard.

Chance to Raise Guard (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how likely enemies will raise their guard.

Chance to Counter (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how likely enemies will counter.

Chance to Counter Per Hit (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how likely enemies will counter. Increments per hit.

Block Chance Per Hit (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how likely enemies will raise their guard with each hit.

Hits to Counter (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how long enemies will wait until they counter.

Hits to Block (Multiplier) (0 – 10)

Modify how long enemies will wait until they raise their guard.

Enemy Dodge – Negate Damage (On/Off)

If on, when an enemy attempts to dodge, they will take reduced damage even if still hit by an attack. Think of it as a fleet footed skill for your enemies. If off, they will take full damage if hit by an attack, even if they attempt to dodge.

Enemy Dodge – Damage Taken (Percentage) (0 – 100)

Only works if the negate damage option is on. This sets how much damage is reduced if the enemy attempts to dodge an attack, even if he is hit. For example: if set to 35, the enemy will only take 35% of the damage inflicted.

Health Modifier

All settings here are modifiers. So -0.5 would remove 50% of their health and 1.0 would add 100% health. 0 is vanilla. These settings ignore the game's difficulty setting. Enemies on Death March difficulty will still have more health than lower difficulties. 

Humans (-0.9 – 5)

Modifies the health of human enemies.

Beasts (-0.9 – 5)

Modifies the health of beast enemies (bears, wolves, dogs, boars).

Monsters (-0.9 – 5)

Modifies the health of larger or stronger monsters (griffins, trolls, fiends, hags).

Group Monsters (-0.9 – 5)

Modifies the health of monsters that are found in groups (drowners, ghouls, nekkers).

Contract Beasts (-0.9 – 5)

Modifies the health of contract quest enemies.

Bosses (-0.9 – 5)

Modifies the health of boss enemies.

Damage Modifier

Despite the menu name, all settings here are multipliers. So 0.5 would half your damage and 2 would double it. 1 is vanilla. These settings ignore the game's difficulty setting. Enemies on Death March difficulty will still do more damage than lower difficulties. 

Damage - Player Melee (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage you do with your swords or fists.

Damage - Player Bombs (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage you do with your bombs.

Damage - Player Signs (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage you do with your signs.

Damage - Player Crossbow (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage you do with your crossbow.

Damage - Humans (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage human enemies do.

Damage - Beasts (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage beasts do (bears, wolves, dogs, boars).

Damage - Monsters (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage monsters do (griffins, trolls, fiends, hags).

Damage - Group Monsters (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage grouped monsters do (drowners, ghouls, nekkers, harpies).

Damage - Contract Beasts (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage contract quest enemies do.

Damage - Bosses (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage boss enemies do.

Damage - Player DoT (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage over time you do (burning, bleeding, poison).

Damage - Enemy DoT (0.1 – 10)

Multiplies the damage over time enemies do (burning, bleeding, poison).

Duration - Player DoT (0.05 – 5)

Multiplies the duration for damage over time effecting the player (burning, bleeding, poison).

Duration - Enemy DoT (0.05 – 5)

Multiplies the duration for damage over time effecting enemies (burning, bleeding, poison).

Resistance Modifier

All settings here are modifiers. So -10 would remove 10% to their resistance and 10 would add 10% to their resistance. This is added to whatever amount they already possess. Remember that Deathmarch difficulty adds 10% force, burn, will, and shock resistance to all enemies. Enemies also gain a small amount of resistance per level. I don't think adding more resistances to normal enemies (meaning not contract or bosses) is necessary unless you are playing a sign build. The enemy resistances scale fine for combat or alchemy builds. Sign builds get very high sign intensity so applying effects like burn and knockdown get overpowered.

Note: The enemy's resistance doesn't actually give them a percentage resistance. It reduces your percentage chance to inflict the relevant condition on them. If the enemy has 50% burn resistance it doesn't reduce their chance to burn by half. It reduces YOUR chance to cause burning by 50%. So if you have really high sign intensity your chance to burn with Igni might be 150%. The enemy's 50% resistance would be subtracted from that 150% making the chance 100% which would still guarantee setting them on fire. I know this is a weird way of doing things, but don't blame me. CD Projekt Red made the game this way, not me.

Resistance Modifiers have different sections for the following types of enemies:

Force Resistance (-100 – 100)

Modifies the enemy's resistance to knockdown and reduces knockdown duration.

Burn Resistance (-100 – 100)

Modifies the enemy's resistance to burning and reduces burn duration.

Will Resistance (-100 – 100)

Modifies the enemy's resistance to Axii and reduces Axii duration.

Shock Resistance (-100 – 100)

Modifies how much the enemy is slowed by Yrden and reduces Alternate Yrden damage.

Bleed Resistance (-100 – 100)

Modifies the enemy's resistance to bleeding.

Poison Resistance (-100 – 100)

Modifies the enemy's resistance to poison.

Simple Scaling

All enemies will scale between the min and max levels set here. So a min of -5 and max of 5 would result in random levels between 5 levels below you and 5 levels above you.

Minimum Levels Added (-15 – 15)

The minimum level relative to yours that all enemies can be.

Maximum Levels Added (-15 – 15)

The maximum level relative to yours that all enemies can be.

Group Scaling

The min and max set here are levels added relative to your level. So a min of -5 and max of 5 would result in random levels between 5 levels below you and 5 levels above you.

Feeble Enemies Min & Max (-30 – 0)

Controls the range that enemies at least 15 levels below you will scale relative to your level.

Weaker Enemies Min & Max (-15 – 0)

Controls the range that enemies at least 6 levels below you will scale relative to your level.

Normal Enemies Min & Max (-10 – 10)

Controls the range that enemies within 5 levels of you will scale relative to your level. 

Stronger Enemies Min & Max (0 – 15)

Controls the range that enemies at least 6 levels above you will scale relative to your level.

Hardcore Enemies Min & Max (0 – 30)

Controls the range that enemies at least 15 levels above you will scale relative to your level.

Dynamic Scaling

The min and max set here are levels added relative to your level. So a min of -5 and max of 5 would result in random levels between 5 levels below you and 5 levels above you.

Dynamic Scaling has different sections for the following types of enemies:

Tier 1 Min & Max Levels Added (-10 – 10)

Controls the range that enemies will scale relative to your level when you are between levels 1 and 9.

Tier 2 Min & Max Levels Added (-10 – 10)

Controls the range that enemies will scale relative to your level when you are between levels 10 and 19.

Tier 3 Min & Max Levels Added (-15 – 15)

Controls the range that enemies will scale relative to your level when you are between levels 20 and 29.

Tier 4 Min & Max Levels Added (-20 – 20)

Controls the range that enemies will scale relative to your level when you are between levels 30 and 39.

Tier 5 Min & Max Levels Added (-25 – 25)

Controls the range that enemies will scale relative to your level when you are at least level 40.

Maximum Levels

Maximum Monster Level (50 – 1000)

Controls the maximum level enemies can achieve.

Maximum Player Level (50 – 1000)

Controls the maximum level Geralt can achieve.

Level Bonuses

Player – Skill Points Per Level (0 – 10)

Controls the number of skill points awarded to the player on level-up.

Enemies Get Deadly, High, or Low Bonuses (On/Off) -- (Not available on Next-Gen Version)

By default the game gives bonuses or penalties to enemies way above or below your level. In other words, enemies with the skull icon. You can turn on and off these bonuses here. Deadly enemies are at least 15 levels above you. High level enemies are at least 6 levels above you. Low level enemies are at least 6 levels below you. Low level enemies only receive a penalty in New Game Plus.

This option is not available in the next-gen version of the mod since the developers removed the bonuses from enemies, thus this option is no longer needed. The enemies will still have the skull icons but it is visual only. Be aware that in the next-gen version of the game, high level enemies are now at least 10 levels higher and deadly enemies are at least 20 levels higher.

Guards Get Bonus Levels (On/Off)

By default, the game gives bonus levels to guards so that they are always way above your level. You can turn on and off the bonus levels here. In case you don’t know, guards are the guys who get mad at you and attack if you steal or commit some other crime while in villages or cities.

Bonus Levels for Contract Monsters (0 – 15)

Allows you to give additional levels to contract monsters. This will be added to the other scaling settings you have chosen.

Bonus Levels for Bosses (0 – 15)

Allows you to give additional levels to bosses. This will be added to the other scaling settings you have chosen. Note: Some bosses won't be affected since some of them aren't affected by level scaling.


Quests Always Give Full Experience (On/Off)

Turning this on means you will always get the full experience for quests. This will remove the experience penalty for completing low level quests. It will also remove the reduced experience for playing Blood and Broken Bones or Deathmarch difficulty. This option is not needed if using Quest Experience Scaling because it already does this.

Quest Experience Scaling (On/Off)

Having this option on means that you get more or less experience from quests depending on its level vs yours. Quests give 10% more experience per level above yours to a max of 50%. They also give 10% less experience per level below yours to a min of 5%. This will reward you for completing tougher quests while also making sure you don’t level up too fast. Only affects quest experience.

Fighting Experience Scaling (On/Off)

Having this option on will remove the extra experience you get from the level scaling in this mod. Highly recommended if you are using level scaling or you will level up very fast. Without this, enemies will give way more experience from being higher level than they normally would be. This won’t change much at lower levels but will change a lot at higher levels. Only affects combat experience.

Quest Experience Multiplier (0 – 10)

Multiplier for the experience received from completing quests. For example: 0.5 will give you half the normal experience and 2 would give you double the normal experience.

Fighting XP Multiplier (0 – 10)

Multiplier for the experience received from killing enemies. For example: 0.5 will give you half the normal experience and 2 would give you double the normal experience.