Version 3.0

Release date: Apr 23, 2018

  • Added function that automatically sets all options to vanilla settings when you first run the game (now you no longer need to setup the mod options after installing)
  • Added the Enhanced Targeting mod to ESGO (thanks to Mpstark and wghost81 for their work and permission)
  • Added Simple Scaling as a scaling option (for those who like things simple and just want some quick and easy scaling)
  • Added option to automatically level up the equipment you wear to match your level
  • Added option to hide item levels
  • Added option to hide quest levels
  • Added option to always give full quest experience
  • Added option to choose whether guards get additional levels
  • Added Russian translation (thanks to JusticeAndMetal)
  • Fixed Automatic Combat Stance not showing guarded stance when turned off (you will now see the guarded stance when holding the parry button)
  • Fixed a bug with level scaling on enemies with fake levels
  • Removed fake levels for wolves, dogs, and boars so that they scale better (I'm not removing fake levels for quest related enemies due to potential problems and balance issues)
  • Removed level scaling for fistfights (They scale different than regular fights and they scale inconsistently -- it would take a ton of work and time to make it work right)
  • Changed enemy deadly bonuses option to always work regardless of using scaling or not (previously this only worked without scaling -- with scaling they were always removed)
  • Changed how quest experience scaling works, now it gives more XP for higher level quests and less for lower level (this should reward you for harder quest while also keeping you from over leveling)
  • Changed how combat experience scaling works, now it removes the extra XP that the additional levels from level scaling gives (you will get tons of XP from combat if level scaling without this option on)
  • Changed names of some functions to make more compatible with other mods
  • Changed stats of certain enemies to make them more balanced (like Endregas doing almost no damage at higher levels)
  • Rearranged code in a few places to avoid conflicts with FriendlyHUD, Immersive Cam, and Sort Everything (Script Merger should merge these mods with ESGO automatically now)