Known Bugs

There are some minor bugs (more like irritations) that are known. Below is a list with tips on how to fix or avoid.

    • Do not use the pose system from third person perspective (IE: when you can see the Protagonist). If the companion you are posing comes into contact with the protagonists model, the PC may be thrown off map. Only pose from first person perspective.

    • It is possible to use the "get behind me" companion command to teleport your companion through walls or around fences. If you then proceed to possess the companion through the fence, you can gain access to areas that the game developers never meant for you to enter. If you actually walk around and talk to people, you will likely break the game as you will be doing things out of sequence. You may even fall off the map. Do not possess through fences, walls or doors to gain access to unaccessible areas

    • If you hit anyone, your travelling companions will attack them. Unfortunately, this includes members of your party and even your fellow travelling companions. This is part of the game's AI and I cant stop or detect the behavior. Luckily, you can.

    • If you accidently hit a travelling companion and the other companion begins to attack them: Squat on the ground. Within 15 seconds both companions will go invisible (and stop fighting since they cant see each other). Talk to either one and tell them to "Find the other servant and bring them here". This will respawn the other companion and stop the fighting.

    • If you accidently hit a party member in your haven. You can either leave the haven and return (thus respawning both of your travelling companions) or you can talk to any of your haven companions (non-travelling companions) and tell them to "Round everyone up and tell them to return to thier starting positions". This will respawn everyone in the haven and thus stop the fighting as well. If you have spent any time posing people, you will probably want to use the "leave the haven" option.

    • When posing NPCs, if you somehow manage to lose an NPC (ie, they fall off map and you accidently hit ENTER instead of Re-Center), you can approach any NPC in the haven and tell them "Round everyone up and tell them to return to thier starting positions". This dialog option is basically a haven reset. You can also use this dialog option if you accidently place an NPC in a location where you can not start dialog with them. (The most common place is the shower).

    • NPCs teleport behind you if they get too far away or remain idle for 15 seconds. I have found some issues when using elevators as an NPC may teleport behind you and block the elevator from going up/down. If you find yourself in an elevator that isn't moving, back up against a wall so that when your companion idle teleports, they get out of the elevators way. Alternatively, you can reload an auto-save.

    • Some companions may act strangly when standing at idle. For example, arms stretched out and head looking at the ground. This is an engine bug that I can't fix, however I have found that the behavior often goes away when I quit/restart the game. A restart is necessary. Simply reloading a saved game does not fix the issue.