Outfit Details

A) NPC Outfits Packs

NPC stands for "Non-Player Character". NPC outfits are designed for your companions. Each character in the game has a directory that contains models and skins for the character. The companion mod scans the characters directory for models and allows you tell people to "Change Outfits" if additional models are detected. It is really that simple.

If additional models are found, you will see "Change outfit" options in your dialog with the companion. Mod supports the concept of installable outfit packs which can be added at a later time and will not break save games.

It is important to note that NPC outfit packs SUPPLIMENT existing companion outfits. That is, the new outfit and the original outfit will both be available.

See: Outfit Packs for current download options or Outfit Pack Creation if you would like to learn how to create your own.

B) PC Outfits Packs

PC stands for "Player Character". PC outfit packs are different than NPC outfit packs in that they do not suppliment PC outfits, but rather they replace them.

If you install a PC outfit pack, you will no longer be able to play using the original clans model and outfits. However, you can restore the original clans models using the PC RestorePack available on the website.

This allows users to play around with various models without fear of having to reinstall their game from scratch to reset the models back to their original state.

See: Outfit Packs for current download options or Outfit Pack Creation if you would like to learn how to create your own.