Time Lord Heratage

(Special Good Trait)

One of your parents or grandparents had a secret. They weren't human but a member of a alien race calling themselves 'Time Lords' or some such nonsense. Then again, maybe it isn't such nonsense. You've always felt 'out of place' and even been told by doctors that some of your anatomy is somewhat 'unique' (especially that you have two functioning hearts, something which got you written up as a case study in a couple of medical journals).

Effect: For the cost of 1 character point and a reduction of maximum Story Points by 2, the character has some of the Advantages of a full Time Lord, but still has some of the disadvantages as well. The character gains +1 to Ingenuity, a Minor Gadget at no cost, and have at least the Minor Code of Conduct.

The Character may choose to take the either Vortex or Feel the Turn of the Universe traits, but if they do then they must take an additional Bad trait as well.

Someone with the Time Lord Heritage has the Regeneration ability, Disease resistance and Respiratory bypass abilities. They may also choose to have Two Hearts and Radiation resistance as additional abilities but must choose an additional Bad Trait for each ability.

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