Gadget Pool

(Minor/Major Good Trait)

This trait allows a character to change Gadgets between adventures, rather than have a Gadget which the character retains.

The Minor version provides a pool of 2 Story Points in order to build Gadgets. The Major version provides a pool of 4 Story Points. [Note: This Gadget cost is additional to the cost of the Gadget Pool trait: so a Minor Gadget Pool costs a total of 3 points, and a Major Gadget Pool costs a total of 6 points.]

Gadgets can normally only be exchanged in between adventures. But at the GM's discretion, given sufficient time and a successful Jiggery-Pokery roll a character could modify the Gadgets within the pool on the fly. The difficulty of this Jiggery-Pokery will depend on how close the existing Gadget is to the proposed new Gadget - a simple example would be converting a radio receiver into a transmitter.

Pre-requisite: Boffin.

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