Call for Papers

Call for Papers (CLOSED ON March 31, 2016)

Papers (15 minute presentation + 10 minute Q&A)

Paper submissions should report on projects that have clear and important findings of interest to the conference audience. They may be currently in-progress but should be expected to be completed or near completed by the time of the conference.

Posters (1 hour session)

Posters submissions can report on completed, near completed, or in-progress research projects that are of interest to the conference audience. We particularly welcome poster submissions that report on innovative research in its very earliest phases or new vocabulary resources, such as testing tools, corpora, or software.

Poster sessions will be held in the main hall.

  • You have a maximum of 90 cm (width) by 180 cm (height) of space to use for your poster.
  • Pins cannot be used on the poster boards so everything must be put up with removable tape. Though we will try to have some extra tape on hand for those who forget to bring some, it would be appreciated if you could try to bring your own tape.
  • Please plan to be near your poster at the poster session times to answer questions.
  • Although there are no “rules” on how to make a poster, posters are a visual communication genre, so it is suggested that you try to limit the amount of text on the poster and try to make sure that the text you do include is readable from at least 1-2 m away from the poster.
  • As people will look at your poster even when you are not present, you should try to create it in a way that allows the audience to understand the key concepts even when they are reading it on their own.

Colloquia (1 hour)

Colloquia should focus on extended discussion and/or research on an aspect of vocabulary, lexis, or corpus work of strong interest to the conference audience. They should comprise a panel of experts who present papers on, analyze, or discuss a specific topic in detail. The motivation, aims, scope, and general timeline of the colloquium should be detailed in the submission.

Please note that we cannot offer advice about what to present on, how to write the submission, or give early feedback on submissions.

Key dates are as follows:

Submissions open: October 15, 2015 (finished)

Submission deadline: March 31, 2016 (finished)

Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2016 (finished)

Presenter confirmation and start of registration: May 31, 2016 (finished)

Extended abstract deadline*: June 30, 2016 (finished)

Preliminary schedule: July 1, 2016 (finished)

Conference dates: September 12-14, 2016 (finished)

A handbook of extended abstracts from the conference is available here

The submission deadline is now over.

Rob Waring (Conference Chair), Charles Browne (Site Chair), Laurence Anthony (Program Chair)

Vocab@Tokyo Organizing Committee