
Welcome to my Google Sites Training Guide.

I am hoping to run this as a wiki and if you would like to help me build it I would love to have some help.

What I am hoping to achieve are tutorials that I can send my students to to build their own site so that they can create their own Portfolio.

The current Portfolio ecosystem comprises of:

Google Sites (The environment) Has a maximum of 100MB (Dec 2012) but files stored in a Google format on Google Drive are not counted in terms of drive usage.

So keep images etc in other places like...

  • Google Drive (To contain all the documents)
    • Public (A Folder containing any documents you are happy for anyone to see)
    • Private (A Folder containing documents you will give people permission to see)
  • YouTube
    • You can set videos to be:
      • public - default
      • non-public link - if people know the link they can access
      • private - specific people allowed access

Programs that can assist:

Offline version

To export google site data there is an import/export tool for Google Sites. Using HTML Microformats it generates an XHTML version of Sites content suitable for offline browsing and simple HTTP hosting, which is also able to be losslessly imported back into sites.
