09.1 Adding gDocuments to a sites page

There are two ways (that I know of) that allow you to include Google Drive files in a sites page

1. Adding a link to a Google drive file


a. In Google Drive select the document

b. Click on Share and copy the URL

c. Go to the Sites page and edit

d. Paste the url into the page (not add files)

2. Adding a File from Google drive

This will insert the actual Google drive document into the page (example follows)

Remember that if you want to be able to edit the document you will need to upload/convert the file to gDoc format (you can then use the link below the inserted document to go to the Google Doc editor to make changes)

To set the Conversion option in Google Drive use Settings > Upload > Upload and Convert. For me I also select the option to confirm before upload that way if I do want to upload the original I can choose.


a. Insert > Drive > then choose the file Document/Drawing/.. then the files should be listed

b. Choose the file then a popup will appear and you can adjust the height it will take on your page (600 is quite big but you can adjust later)

c. Then click save

Test Document