Vivian Genaro Motti is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Sciences and Technology at George Mason University where she leads the Human-Centric Design Lab (HCD Lab). She is currently in sabbatical at the University of Lisboa (2025). Her research focuses on Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, Assistive Wearables, mHealth, and Usable Privacy. She hs been focusing on how assistive smartwatches provide support for neurodivergent users --be it in inclusive workplaces (NSF-funded project) or in postsecondary education (through a NIDILRR project). Her research has been funded by NSF, NIDILRR, TeachAccess, CCI, 4-VA, URSP. Before joining GMU, Dr. Motti was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Human Centered Computing division in the School of Computing - Clemson University. During her postdoc, she contributed to the NSF-funded Amulet project, investigating human factors, usability and privacy of wearable devices for healthcare.
Dr. Motti received her Ph.D. from Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). During her PhD, she was a research assistant to the EU-funded FP7 Serenoa Project. Her PhD (thesis) presents a multi-dimensional framework for user interfaces adapted to the context of use. She earned a B.Sc. and a Masters degree from University of São Paulo. In her Master's thesis she investigated usability issues in a ubiquitous environment for e-learning. Her thesis is available online (in portuguese). Her research was funded by CNPq and was conducted in ICMC (University of São Paulo) in São Carlos - SP. She holds a Bachelor degree in Biomedical Informatics from University of São Paulo.
Conferences: CHI, UbiComp/ISWC, MobileHCI, WWW, EICS, ICWE, Interact, AVI, NordiCHI, RCIS, WebMedia, HFES, PervasiveHealth
Reviewer for: CHI, UbiComp / IMWUT, TOCHI, TiiS, DIS, IUI, Interact, NordiCHI, EICS, InfoVis, IHC, WebMedia, ERBASE (2011-2015)
Scientific Collaborator: Université catholique de Louvain - Louvain School of Management (LSM) - Belgium, UFABC, UFSCar, USP ICMC
Program committee of: CHI, Ubicomp, Interact, IEEE ICHI, IUI (Intelligent User Interfaces), EICS (ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems), IMX, Usability Engineering Track at ACM SAC, IEEE AIVR 2018, IHC, RCIS, Ro'CHI International Conference in HCI, ASGA4Health (Atelier of Smart Garments and Accessories for Healthy Lifestyles), WIM (Workshop on Medical Informatics), Adaptive (International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications), ERBASE, Décisions, argumentation et traçabilité dans l’Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information" de la revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Informations
Chair: IUI 2023, Accessibility Chair Ubicomp/ISWC 2021, ECSCW 2022, Tech Notes EICS 2019 and 2020, Publicity Chair Ubicomp 2020, Tutorials IEEE ICHI 2020
Member of the Scientific Committee of: ERGOIA'16, RCIS'2019
Panelist: NIDILRR, NSF
Panel: GovAI Summit - 2023 and ABI.DC Event: CODE — Debugging the Gender Gap 2016
Judge: Student Research Competition - ACM SigDoc 2016, Doctoral Consortium - ACM SIGCHI WUC 2017
Awards: NIDILRR, NSF, TeachAccess, CCI, 4-VA, IDIA