Visualization publications dataset

We are making available a dataset that contains information on IEEE Visualization (IEEE VIS) publications from 1990-2022. The dataset includes a variety of information about each paper including title, authors, DOI, etc., as well as a list of the citations to other previous VIS papers. To download the dataset open the Google spreadsheet through the button below and choose File->Download as. If you spot errors in the dataset feel free to leave a comment in the respective cells. We try to maintain and fix the spreadsheet.

Current version: 11

Existing Visualizations about the Dataset

Observable notebook - @Fil
(data up to 2021)

 Keshif - M. Adil Yalçın
(data up to 2018)

citevis2 thumbnail

CiteVis2 , CiteMatrix, VisLists  & VisLists : Panpan Xu, Chad Stolper, Anand Sainath, John Stasko 
(data up to 2016)

keyvis tool thumbnail

 KeyVis  - Isenberg et al. (link to paper pdf)
(data up to 2015)

 A tableChales Perin
data up to 2015)

Previous projects I couldn't verify to work anymore

Citations /use of the data in scientific literature


If you use this dataset or the image above we would appreciate a citation. 

Petra Isenberg, Florian Heimerl, Steffen Koch, Tobias Isenberg, Panpan Xu, Chad Stolper, Michael Sedlmair, Jian Chen, Torsten Möller, and John Stasko. A Metadata Collection about IEEE Visualization (VIS) Publications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(9):2199–2206, September 2017. (doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2016.2615308

(free author version pdf)  (doi)


  author      = {Petra Isenberg and Florian Heimerl and Steffen Koch and Tobias Isenberg and Panpan Xu and Chad Stolper and Michael Sedlmair and Jian Chen and Torsten M{\"o}ller and John Stasko},

  title       = { A Metadata Collection about {IEEE} Visualization ({VIS}) Publications},

  journal     = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},

  year        = {2017},

  volume      = {23},

  number      = {9},

  month       = sep,

  pages       = {2199--2206},

  doi         = {10.1109/TVCG.2016.2615308},

  doi_url     = {},

  url         = {},

  url2        = {},

  pdf         = {},


IEEE VIS 2017 Presentation

The conference presentation by Petra Isenberg

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