Data Details

Data Columns

The dataset is stored as a google spreadsheet. The data contains the following columns:

Data Collection Methodology

The data has a relatively complex collection pipeline that involved both a manual and automatic approach. Information is mainly extracted from the pdf proceedings and double-checked with information from the IEEEXplore library. Where discrepancies occur we manually check the printed or electronic proceedings and add information by hand. We extract the deduped full author names from the DBLP using an author's "primary name" as stored in this database (e.g. authors who changed their last name will appear with their new name even on older papers).  Citation data is extracted from Aminer and CrossRef and internal citations are calculated following a reference extraction from the pdf files using Grobid

Notes on IEEE VIS, its Child Conferences and Naming

The IEEE Conference on Visualization started as a conference in 1990 under the name IEEE Visualization (Vis). It quickly grew and in 1995 the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis) was held. The symposium was later renamed into the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization but kept the acronym InfoVis (not to be confused with the other IEEE Conference on Information Visualization that uses the acronym IV). In 2006 the Symposium  on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) joined and was later renamed to the VAST conference. The original IEEE Visualization track ran under used the acronym VIS for several years but was later renamed to the IEEE Conference on Scientific Visualization using the acronym SciVis in 2013. With the name change the conference also changed its call for participation (cfp) - and in particular the focus topics of the conference. For example, information visualization was dropped as a topic.

For a number of years the three conferences ran together under the umbrella name VisWeek in what you can more or less think of as parallel tracks of a big joint conference. In 2013, however VIS was chosen as the joint acronym for all three conferences and the name VisWeek was dropped and since 2021 the conference is now run as a single joint event under the name "The IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics Conference (VIS)".

The dataset is further a bit complicated in that VAST has since 2012 had both conference as well as TVCG journal papers. The top ranked papers are considered journal papers and the other type of papers are considered conference track papers. We chose to mark the conference only papers in the dataset in Column J so that you can filter them if needed. SciVis also experimented with this concept in 2015.

The image below is a graphical explanation of the naming changes for the conference series between 1990 and 2021:

The image shows a timeline of the IEEE Visualization conference series. It started in 1990, in 1995 InfoVis was added, and in 2006 the VAST conference joined. In 2021 the conference unified into the IEEE Conference on Visualization and Visual Analytics.

NOTE: The image above is explicitly placed into the public domain. 


The dataset was prepared primarily by the following people:

With significant help from:

And with a little bit of help from: