Trio 6--Summary

23 September 2014

Hi Trio folks,

Just a note to say that we appreciated being able to meet together over the last few weeks. There were 13 people who came for all or part of the Trio gatherings, focusing on Protecting People and Promoting Wellbeing. The three topics (a different one each gathering) were: safety/support for humanitarian workers, global mental health/suicide, and human security/sustainable development goals. So overall, there were some pretty important issues and it was good to also have an opportunity to hopefully experience some personal growth and mutual support.

Understandably, it is not always easy to capture in writing the conversations and experiences we had together. One example is the gathering last Saturday (20 Sept 2014) as we were discussing personal experiences of human security and our reflections on the way forward for human development.

One final item for us all:

Is there one overall “take-away” for you from your Trio experience?

If so, can you describe it briefly or in one sentence (or via an image, music, etc.)?

If you would like us to post it on the Trio website, anonymously or with your name, just let us know.

For example, from Kelly:

The next major effort for human development/transformation begins in the heart: there is no health without moral health.

Note that there are some materials and short summaries on the Trio website to help remind us all of the gatherings.

Please feel free to send us any suggestions for making future Trio gatherings as useful as possible.

Warm greetings,

Kelly and Michèle