Trio 14--Materials

Trio 14: Global Citizenship for Eradicating Poverty (TBA, film/discussion of Poverty Inc.--17 October is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)

Watch the trailer here:

Background and Content

Global citizenship is both a concept and a growing commitment emphasizing our common identity and responsibility as humans. The Trio Gatherings this year (2016) focus on what it means to be global citizens, including educating global citizens, eradicating poverty, promoting peace, and living in integrity. Three main items we will use: the Gyeongju Action Plan: Education for Global Citizenship (from the UN DPI/NGO), Poverty Inc. (film), materials from Geneva Peace Week, and various materials on integrity.

Reflections from Participants

--Laetitia van Haren

--Michele Lewis O'Donnell