Trio 2: Materials

Work-Life Balance and Contentment

Here are the materials to help orient you as we meet together on Saturday 16 November 2013.

We are delighted that you are able to come!

Warm greetings,

Kelly and Michele

To prepare for this second gathering we suggest:

1. Take the Authentic Happiness Inventory (24 items, 5 minutes) developed by Dr. Martin Seligman (positive psychology field). It is online and free—you just need to register on the website prior to taking it.



Important note when taking the inventory: Print the web page with all of your 24 responses on it prior to clicking the “Next”button at the bottom of the page (otherwise you will not have a record of your responses to the Inventory items). Feel free to bring/share your results when we meet.

2. Read the two pages on Wellbeing by Martin Seligman. Print it, take some notes, and bring it with you.


"Here then is well-being theory: well-being is a construct; and well-being, not happiness, is the topic of positive psychology. Well-being has five measurable elements (PERMA) that count toward it:

- Positive emotion

(Of which happiness and life satisfaction are all aspects)

- Engagement

- Relationships

- Meaning and purpose

- Accomplishment

No one element defines well-being, but each contributes to it. Some aspects of these five elements are measured subjectively by self-report, but other aspects are measured objectively.