2. Stream over Network to VLC

게시일: Apr 30, 2019 4:23:37 AM

Here is shown, how to create a [Gstreamer](https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/) pipeline for sending a live stream over the network to the [VLC player](https://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.de.html) using a The Imaging Source camera.  Programming language : None  ## Prerequisits The [tiscamera](https://github.com/TheImagingSource/tiscamera#the-imaging-source-linux-repository) repository must be built and installed, so the GStreamer module ```tcambin``` exists.  ### Send Pipeline The send pipeline is started in a terminal, so a new terminal should be opened. For running the pipline [gst-launch-1-0](https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/tools/gst-launch.html) is used. The command line is ``` gst-launch-1.0 tcambin ! video/x-raw, format=BGRx, width=640, height=480, framerate=15/1 ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency byte-stream=true bitrate=500 threads=2 ! mpegtsmux ! tcpserversink host= port=5004 ```  A 640x480 color video format is used at 15 frames per second: ``` video/x-raw, format=BGRx, width=640, height=480, framerate=15/1 ``` This should be adapated to the capabilities of the used camera.  The video stream is H264 encoded, inserted into a video container by ```mpegtsmux``` and forwarded to a ```tcpserversink```. The host ip is the IP address of the computer, on which this pipeline runs. The port is optional.  ### VLC VLC can be used in Windows and Linux. Click on "Media" and select "Network stream". At network address enter ```tcp://``` and start. Adapt the IP address and port to the computer settings on which the pipeline with the camere runs. There will be a delay of a few seconds, even if the camera pipeline and VLC run on the same computer. If there are suggestions for reducing the delay, please let me know.

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