Housing in Germany

"In case you wish to settle down in Germany would be wise to buy a house."

There are many important factors to be considered while searching a rented house.

I recommend Google Germany to search accommodation.

1. House Location

    • Office to home distance and travel time

    • Super Markets/Shopping

    • Schools/Kindergarten

    • Bus / S-Bahn / U-Bahn / Tram connection

    • Staying in and around city center can be expensive. But away from city center rent prices can be cheaper. It is a matter of balancing priorities (time to travel. cost of rent, locality etc)

2. Monthly Rent

  • Make sure that total rent cost is calculated(Water, Heating, Electricity, Maintenance costs).

3. Contract details

    • Caution deposit (can be 2 to 3 times the monthly rent).

  • Contract period (unlimited with minimum notice period of 1 month is the best).

    • Notice period before closing the contract.

  • Make sure contract is read from a known German since most contracts will be in German.

4. Miscellaneous

  • In cities like Munich, Berlin finding a house for rent can be very challenging. Start searching at least 3-5 months before intended date of stay.

  • Availability of furniture, kitchen, washing machine...

    • Humidity of the house (Some old houses can have fungus during winter if not properly ventilated)

    • Insulation windows/doors (Double glass windows are better in winter, so less heating is required)

    • Year of construction

    • Neighborhood/Owner

How to search a rented house ?

German "Miete" in English "Rent"

  • For Students

It would be ideal to stay in student hostels(Studentenwohnheim) provided by the University. Rent will be affordable and many universities provide student hostels close to the University campus.

In order to search accommodation for student hostels, please search "Studentenwohnheim XYZ" where XYZ is the place in Google to get web links for student hostels.

Following sections can also be used to search accommodation for students but as mentioned earlier Studentenwohnheim is recommended.

  • Local Newspapers

      • In German newspapers look for

        • "Anzeigen" -> "Mietmarkt" (Rented House)

        • "Anzeigen" -> "Immobilienmarkt" (Property Purchase)

      • If the place is "XYZ" then search in google "Anzeigenmarkt XYZ" to get a list of local newspapers.

      • If the place is "XYZ" then search in google "Zeitung XYZ" and "lokale wochenzeitung XYZ" to get a list of newspapers

Overview of Rent prices in Germany


OTHER Accommodation SOURCES

In case you want to get a temporary accommodation then there are lots of options.

Book and confirm your accommodation well in advance. Google "youth hostel <<city name>>" or " "bed breakfast <<city name>>" to get possible options.

For example to search temporary accommodation in Munich. Google "youth hostel Munich" "bed breakfast Munich".