First steps in Germany

  1. Accomodation It is important to have a house leasing contract with owner. 2-3 months rent will be taken as advance(Refundable) amount.
  2. City registeration(Rathaus Anmeldung) Everyone who works, studies, or lives in Germany for more than three months must register (anmelden). In Germany you have to register at the Einwohnermeldeamt(residents‘ registration office) in your town/city of residence with the house leasing contract and passport. Any change in address must be reported to the Resident registration office. You need to get yourself registered within 1 week of arrival.
  3. Open a bank account (There are many banks, my preference would be Sparkasse or Volksbank or Post or Deutsche Bank). Documents required: Work contract/Admission letter, Proof of residence (housing contract) and your passport.
  4. Children and School Children are required to attend school. Register your child at a school. The Jugendamt (youth office) in your town/city can help you.
  5. Update Residential Permit After arriving in Germany please apply for long-term at city's Immigration(Ausländeramt) office in case you have 3 months entry visa. Documents required: Work contract/Admission letter, Proof of residence (housing contract) and your passport.
  6. Start Health Insurance(There are many insurance providers my preference would be AOK or TK or Alliance). Other additional insurances like pension, Third-party Private Liability Insurance(haftpflichtversicherung) are highly recommended
  7. Apply for tax ID (Steueridentifikationsnummer) Everyone who wants to work in Germany must obtain a personal tax identification number from the tax office (Finanzamt).
  8. German course For professional and cultural integration it is required to learn German. It is also advisable to do an integration course.