Some Ayurveda Tips

  • Eat balanced food every day (Vegetables, Fruits, Water....).
  • Drink plenty of water daily (2.2 liters for women and for men 3 litres).
  • Do not skip the breakfast at any cost.
  • Have at least 5 small meals rather than 2 or 3 big meals. But so not always eat in between. Instead drink plenty of water.
  • Daily have a pinch of Walnut, Almonds and dried fruits (plums, apricoats, raisins, figs, dates) for a healthy deal every day.
  • Keep a clove in mouth at least 2-3 times a week. This will help to kill germs in your mouth.
  • Have a cardamom daily in your mouth, this will avoid bad breath and freshen the mouth.
  • Add regularly Carom seeds, Cumin, Ginger, Garlic to your diet.
  • Soak Garlic in honey for 4-6 weeks and after 4-6 weeks consume it on a regular basis.
  • Consume Neem/Tulsi on a regular basis (consume after mixing with honey).
  • Add walking and regular exercises (at least 30min) to your diet everyday.
  • Laughter is one of the best medicine (at least 10 times daily).


In case of indigestion, boil Cumin in water with Ginger (a small bit of sugar) and then consume the mixture.

Heavy meal

After a heavy meal (weddings, parties..) eat a teaspoon of finely grinded Carom seeds.

Chest/Nasal congestion

Using Eucalyptus for spa bath, chest/nasal congestion.

Skin Care

Regular use of almonds oil is recommended for skin care.

Sandal paste is highly recommended.


- Extracted juice of ginger with honey take three or four times a day is an excellent remedy for coughs and cold.

- Take half a teaspoon of fresh turmeric powder, mixed in 30ml. of warm milk twice a day. It is very common and effective home remedy for cough.

- Ginger tea, prepared by adding a few pieces of ginger into boiled water before adding tea leaves, is another effective remedy for cough.

- Chew cardamom for a long time.

May Lord Dhanwantari bestow good health, longevity and youthfulness to all of us.