Generate a table of values for a specified rule

A table of values for a specified rule can be generated in Graphs & Tables. To generate a table of values, define a function under y1 (or another entry) and click on the generate table icon (highlighted below):

Figure 1 - The location of the generate table icon.

Before generating the table, you may wish to set the start and end values and the step increments. To do this use click on the table input icon (highlighted below):

Figure 2 - The location of the table input icon.

When setting up the required settings for your table of values you will be prompted with the following window:

Figure 3 - The pop-up window for the table input settings.

    • The Start input is the value you wish the table to commence at.
    • The End input is the value you wish the table to terminate at.
    • The Step input is the distance between each successive value.

Figure 4 - The table generator in action for f(x) = x2 between x = 1 and x = 2 with step size of 1.