Val Randle MSc

UKCP Registered Psychotherapist UKAGP Gestalt Psychotherapist


If you want to enquire about coming for therapy sessions as an individual or a couple you can contact me by telephone. Then I can answer your initial enquiries and arrange an assessment session with you and give directions to my house. If you contact me by email at first I will then call you back to make the arrangements.

The assessment session enables me to get a sense of the issues that you are bringing and what is going on for you in your life at the present. I ask quite a lot of questions at this session in a way that encourages a dialogue between us and this enables you to meet me and consider whether you feel comfortable with me. We can then make some decisions on whether to go ahead with therapy if that seems appropriate to you and to me. In my practice we usually then make a contract for 4 to 6 sessions for us to work together before we undertake a review of our work. At the review stage we focus on how the work is going and whether you feel it is helping you. Then we may re-contract to continue the therapeutic work.

All my sessions including assessment are I hour (60mins) and the current fees are £50 for individual clients and £60 for couples.

I work in a rural area, and car parking is available outside the house.

Contact me

by telephone 01432 674043

or by email