Former members

(scroll down for a photo album)


Zakarya LASMAR (2020-2022; next: joined IonQ, Toronto branch)

YU Baichu (2020-2021; next: postdoc at SUSTEC, Shenzhen)

LE Phuc Thinh (2017-19; next: postdoc at Hannover University with Reinhard Werner)

Michele DALL'ARNO (2018-19; next: postdoc at Waseda University, Tokyo)

Stefan NIMMRICHTER (2016-18; next: junior professor in MPQO, Erlangen)

CAI Yu (2015-18; next: postdoc in Geneva with Nicolas Brunner)

HAN Yunguang (2017-18; next: postdoc in Shanghai with Zhu Huangjun)

Juan Miguel ARRAZOLA (2016-17; next: joined Xanadu, Toronto)

DAI Jibo (2016-17; next: research engineer at A*Star)

LE Huy Nguyen (2013-15; next: postdoc in Surrey with Eran Ginossar)

Jean-Daniel BANCAL (2012-15; next: postdoc in Basel with Nicolas Sangouard)

Jiri MINAR (2012-14; next: postdoc in Nottingham with Igor Lesanovsky)

Lana SHERIDAN (2009-12; next: senior high-school teaching in the USA)

Daniel CAVALCANTI (2010-11; next: postdoc in ICFO with Antonio Acin)

Timothy LIEW (2009; next: postdoc in EPFL with Vincenzo Savona)

PhD students

Pooja JAYACHANDRAN (2019-2023; next: Horizon Quantum Computing)

Angeline SHU (2016-2021; next: teaching assistant in NUS)

Stella SEAH (2016-2020; next: postdoc in Geneva with Nicolas Brunner)

GOH Koon Tong (2014-2018; next: postdoc in NUS with Charles Lim)

Alexandre ROULET (2013-17; next: postdoc in Basel with Christoph Bruder)

WU Xingyao (2012-16; next: postdoc in U Maryland with Jacob Taylor)

LE Phuc Thinh (2011-15: next: postdoc in NUS and Delft with Stephanie Wehner)

CAI Yu (2011-15; next: postdoc in my group)

YANG Tzyh Haur (2010-14; next: financial analyst at DBS Bank Ltd)

Colin TEO (2010-14; next: postdoc in Innsbruck with Oriol Romero-Isart)

Rafael RABELO (2010-13; next: postdoc in Belo Horizonte with Marcelo Terra Cunha)

WANG Yimin (2009-13; next: lecturer at Army Engineering University, Nanjing)

Other graduate and visiting positions

ZHANG Yue: Asst Prof from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, on sabbatical January to July 2024

HO Canyang Asaph: PhD 2018-20, quit to go into teaching

LIU Zheng: PhD 2017-18, quit to join a start-up

LI Xinhui: CSC scholar visiting in 2017-18 from CUPT Beijing

ZHOU Yuqian: CSC scholar visiting in 2016-17 from CUPT Beijing (next: lecturer at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

WANG Yukun: CSC scholar visiting in 2015-16 from CUPT Beijing (next: postdoc in NUS with Charles Lim)

LAW Yun Zhi: Research assistant 2013-14

Melvyn HO: Research assistant 2012-14 (next: Ph.D. in Basel with Nicolas Sangouard)

HAW Jing Yan: Research assistant 2012 (next: Ph.D. in ANU with Ping Koy Lam)

Master and undergraduate students



UROPS (Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science, NUS)

SPS (Special Programme in Science, NUS)


January 2024

March 2023

May 2022

March 2021 (31 March, to be precise)

June 2020

January 2019

October 2019

September 2017

November 2018

July 2016

July 2016

Fall 2015

Fall 2015

February 2015

July 2013

October 2011 (Valerio's tenure)

October 2011 (Valerio's tenure)

August 2010

August 2010

September 2009

September 2009

March 2009

March 2009