

1969-70  <--click here to view or download cruise book     

 Hoel's 5th Westpac

<Click here for deployment Deck Logs> 

<Click here for firing missions>

(96 pages) (courtesy Norm Lilley, PN3, NA Div, 67-70)

Deployment: Sep 17,1969 @ 09:53 - Mar 23,1970 

 Commanding Officer: CDR Paul A Asmus (Sep 4,1969  until  May 1,1971)

                     Relieved CDR Richard K Fontaine on Sep 4th,1969, 10:15am, @ Pier 2, Berth 23N2, San Diego.

Crossed equator on Sep 28,1969

Friday, March 13, 1970 crossed the international dateline, two Friday 13ths.

Video of the 1969-70 WestPac, by Mike Hurtado, GMGSN, 69-70 ... <click here>

<Click here for pictures from 69-70 cruise> 

MT51 had an in-bore explosion on 11/07/1969 @ 05:01

Per Thomas Anthony Campisi  (GMG2, 69Feb-72June)   ..........   

In-bore explosion due to improper setting of gas check seal on projectile. 

Found out from Capt. Asmus it was done by a couple of anti-war activists working at projectile assembly plant. 

Fortunate no one seriously hurt or killed by shrapnel going thru deck into First Division compartment.

New Barrel


Captain Cook's 200yr Bicentennial - Gisborne, NZ

  The goodwill port call in Gisborne, New Zealand, lasted 3 days. The HOEL was the single U.S. representative in the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the discovery of New Zealand by Captain James Cook.  Warships representing England, Canada, Australia, the United States, and New Zealand were in attendance and celebrated jointly. 

        The ship's entered Poverty Bay - Gisborne,NZ on 8 Oct 1969.

        The parade took place the following day, 9 Oct 1969.

        All of us that were there had a great time at the local pubs, drinking with sailors from all the other Navies.


Captain Cook Commemoration - Oct 9th,1969 <<--Click here to see a web page of the event(w/video)

On October 25th, 1969, we passed over the precise spot where the DD-533 was sunk, exactly 25 years before, to the day.

<Click here to open the 25 Oct 1969 POD for that day>

22 Feb 1970 Newsletter

Courtesy Dennis Shea, BM3, 1968-70Dec