D-186 Mölders Museum

D-186 Mölders Museum, Deutsche Marine / Lütjens class (Built as hull #DDG-29)

(The following 2 Wiki links are in German, your browser should give you the option to translate into English)

Deutsches Marinemuseum at Wilhelmshaven, Germany


Map of ship's location

(German, no sub-titles)

Some black&white life aboard the D186, but mostly the work of the museum restoration crew <- (click here)

The description on the above video (42min 35sec) is in German, but here is the translation....

Every year, once in the spring, then again in the fall, old crew members come together to keep their "old lady", as she is affectionately called, in good condition. All do this on a voluntary basis, the travel costs and the overnight stay are paid by yourself. Only the breakfast, as well as the lunch and the coffee hour in the afternoon is provided by the naval museum. But everyone likes to take it on, there is a great atmosphere on board. One feels transported back to the time when the destroyer still served. Most would like to leave again. But see for yourself what PÖNEX means for everyone.

Note: "PÖNEX" is an abbreviation for a German naval term for painting, therefore it's best translated as for "painting exercise".

D186 FGS Mölders - August 2018

Courtesy - Bjoern Westphal 9/12/2009