Answering SBQ


· What is the (Message, Intention, Purpose, Why)?

o 1 content

o 1 Purpose/Perspective [to show the underlying meaning] – Purpose for someone important ranking, Perspective for a normal people

§ P: The cartoon was drawn for a purpose/perspective of___ [Purpose – VAMI statement, verb {convince/criticize}, audience {country/government/ citizens}, message {so that…..}, impact {audience will do something}]

§ E: Evidence [related to purpose paragraph]

§ E: Explanation [explain purpose]

· No underlying meaning

o 2 content

§ P: (Answer the question)

§ E: Source A says “___” [Must be in context]

§ E: Explaining the evidence with respect to the question [Not paraphrasing]

Agree/ Disagree/ Different/ Similar

· One-sided (How are the sources different/ How are the sources similar)

o 1 Content [About either similar/difference, based on the question]

§ P: Answer the question + comparable factor)

§ E: Source A + Source B

§ E: Explain what A and B are saying [Must explicitly say both]

o Purpose/Perspective

§ 1 if similar – Sources A and B are similar in their purpose. Their purpose is to VAMI

§ 2 if different – Sources A and B are different in their purpose. Source A’s purpose is to VAMI. Source B’s purpose is to VAMI.

· Two-sided

o 2 Content [About similar & difference, based on the question]

§ P: Answer the question + comparable factor)

§ E: Source A + Source B

§ E: Explain what A and B are saying [Must explicitly say both]

o Purpose/Perspective

§ 1 if similar – Sources A and B are similar in their purpose. Their purpose is to VAMI

§ 2 if different – Sources A and B are different in their purpose. Source A’s purpose is to VAMI. Source B’s purpose is to VAMI.


· (Do you trust? How reliable is this source? ) – Do not cross-refer to the same source

o Trust

§ P: Answer the question

§ E: Source A and Source B

§ E: Explain both sources

o Do not trust

§ P: Answer the question

§ E: Source A and Source C

§ E: Explain both sources

o Evaluation

§ Author’s stand – ranking/ social status

§ Content


· How useful is the sources

o 1 Useful

§ P: Answer the question

§ E: Source A and Source B

§ E: Explain both sources

o 1 Limited

§ P: Answer the question [The source is limited as it fails to tell me___]

§ E: Source C [Only cross-referred source – Do not quote from the source]

§ E: Explain source C

o 1 Evaluation

§ Useful or not based on reliability


· Must answer the question!

o i.e. Question: Are sources C and D similar?

o Answer: Sources C and D are similar in terms of…

· Annotate sources before attempting the questions

o Decide if the sources supports the main argument statement (the main question written at the top)

o Find unique phrases in cartoons that may be important

o Highlight important phrases in speeches of texts

PS: Thanks to Weihan for contributing the notes! :)