GP Essay Outline

Q1. Legalising euthanasia would be beneficial to mankind. How far do you agree with this?


1. General Statement(s)

The term 'euthanasia' which roots from the ancient Greek words meaning 'good death', is used to refer to voluntary rather than compulsory euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is administered when an individual asks to be given a lethal injection to put him I her out of pain and to end his I her life while compulsory euthanasia is administered onto individuals who are terminally ill. In the Netherlands, voluntary euthanasia has been legal since 1983; around 3000 people formally request it there annually.

2. Your main opinion

Since euthanasia can put an end to a person's unbearable suffering, it is evident that the act of legalising euthanasia would only prove beneficial to humans.


1. Paragraph #1 (Basic paragraph of discussion)

(A) Topic Sentence

People should be allowed to request for 'mercy killing' to end their suffering.

(B) Elaboration

(I) Explanation

Victims of cancer, AIDS or motor-neurone disease may know, in the later stages of their illness, that the only prospect for the short remainder of their life is more physical degeneration and acute suffering.

(II) Example

They should be allowed to die with dignity with the help of, for example, a lethal injection or an overdose of morphine from a doctor.

(C) Restatement

Legalising euthanasia would therefore ensure the patient's right to choose his own destiny.

2. Paragraph #2 (Repeat the above steps)

- Use a different main point.

3. Paragraph #x (Giving opposing viewpoint yet not contradicting oneself)

(A) Topic Sentence of Opposing Viewpoint

Proponents of the opposing viewpoint advocate that / Other people feel that / Another camp would support the view that / Advocates of the opposing viewpoint would insist that. ..

however much a patient is suffering, it is the role of a physician, as expressed in the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors have to swear by, to cure disease and restore patients to health, not kill them.

(B) Elaboration

This camp of supporters explain that doctors should not be forced to compromise their professional oath nor be put under great moral pressure of deciding when to advise a patient that euthanasia might be the best option.

(C) Criticism of this main point / viewpoint

Finding Inadequacies of the viewpoint by giving reasons

However, as the nature of the profession is one of great nobility, is it not the doctor's duty to ensure the best for his patients? If death would alleviate physical pain or even solve the problem of insufficient vacancies in the hospitals, why should euthanasia not be legalised?

[Rhetorical questions serving to provoke / challenge assumptions.]

(II) Argue with clear reference to point made earlier

No matter what obligations or creed the Hippocratic Oath binds doctors to, it is ultimately the decision of the stakeholder, that is, the terminally ill patient that should be respected.

(D) Restatement of chosen stand

In view of this, legalising euthanasia would certainly, in the most pragmatic sense, benefit mankind.

4. Paragraph #y (Supporting that particular point of the opposing point yet maintaining chosen stand)

(A)Topic Sentence of Opposing Viewpoint

Opposition to the legalising of euthanasia would state that it is morally repugnant to carry out euthanasia in order to use someone's body parts for transplants.

(B) Elaboration

This act reduces the terminally ill patients waiting to be injected for death to just one more medical resource.

(C) Reason(s) why this particular point is acceptable

It is without a doubt that doctors should not abuse the legalising of euthanasia on the pretext of saving another life. Xenotransplantation which serves the same purpose is progressing by leaps and bounds -it should serve to be a reliable source then.

(D) Condltion(s) under which this point can be accepted

Having said so, it is important to note that only under the situation that doctors give the excuse of administering euthanasia to save another patient's life should the act be reviewed.

(E) Restatement of chosen stand

If doctors use their discretion and professional judgment to decide on mercy killing for the patient's own good and if possible, with the consent of the patient, euthanasia, when legalized, would be advantageous to



4. Examine the implication of no change

If euthanasia is not legalised, there would still exist a black market of capitalists who administer it illegally such that the ignorant public is not educated of the dangers of such a condition. Moreover, when terminally ill patients who have no hope of recovery continue to occupy hospital beds, they are depriving other patients of medical resources. Therefore, in view of these issues, euthanasia as an alternative would bring good to the people.

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