White Papers & presentations
This area provides links to presentations, papers, and other files of potential interest to UFA members.
FESAC White Paper Submission
White paper submission for Fusion Roadmap by S. Mordijck for UFA excomm
UFA Flier Representing Universities
UFA Flier by UFA excomm
APS-DPP Town Hall presentations
UFA Overview talk by S. Mordijck
DOE Overview talk by S. Hsu
DOE-FES Overview talk by S. Hsu as representative for J.P. Allain
Panel questions by the UFA community
UFA White Submitted to RFI DOE FES (Dec 2022)
Accelerating innovation for fusion energy by S. Mordijck and C. Paz-Soldan
APS-DPP Town Hall presentations
UFA Overview talk by F. WaelbroeckÂ
Honoring Dr. Jim Van Dam by T. Carter
FES perspective by J. Mandrekas
ARPA-E overview by A. Diallo
NSF perspective by S. Lukin
AFRL overview by J. Luginsland
Meeting with Dr. Richmond (July)
UFA presentation for meeting with Dr. Richmond by S. Diem
DOE Workshop on Public-Private Partnerships (1-3 June)
UFA presentation at the SC workshop on Public-Private Partnerships by University spokespeople
Summary of PPP workshop by S. Mordijck
Workshop U.S. Research team for ITER (March)
White paper by S. Mordijck, C. Paz-Soldan and F. Waelbroeck
Universities at the center of ITER research team presentation by S. Mordijck
APS-DPP Town Hall presentations
UFA Overview talk by F. WaelbroeckÂ
FES perspective by J. Van Dam
ARPA-E overview by S. Hsu
NSF perspective by S. Lukin
FESAC LRP Sub-committee web page is here
APS-DPP Community Planning Process and Report
Dr. Edmund Synakowski, US DoE, FY 2016 Budget Roll-out, February 3, 2015
DoE Office of Science FY 2016 Budget Details (FES starts at Page 131)
DoE Office of Science FY 2016 Budget Overview
Summary Document (pdf) for Forum on the Future of Fusion Energy and Plasma Science Research in the U.S. University of Maryland, College Park, December 14-15, 2015
University Round Table Discussion Summary
Dr. Edmund Synakowski, US DoE, Talk to UFA, APS DPP November 8, 2010, Chicago IL (2.4Mb pdf), (3.6Mb pptx)
Draft UFA White Paper on the role of US Universities in the Burning Plasma Era (Nov. 2007) (145Kb, pdf)
Dr. Stephen Eckstrand of OFES/DOE on what took place in FY06 and the outlook for FY07 (Oct 2006) (6.5Mb, ppt), (1.4Mb, pdf)
Prof. Raymond Fonck, University of Wisconsin and chair of the US Burning Plasma Organization on ongoing developments in US BPO activities. (Oct. 2006) (779Kb, pdf)
A Report on the Age Distribution of Fusion Science Faculty and Fusion Science PhD Production in the United States (July 2003) (185Kb, Word)
UFA letter to Congress on ITER funding (Feb. 2003) (320Kb, pdf)
UFA White Paper on ITER Involvement and US-ITER Management (Feb. 2003) (49Kb, Word document)
UFA technical policy on burning plasma (July 2001) (html)
Burning Plasma Science Workshop
Burning Plasma Science Workshop 2nd Announcement & Prelim Program (Nov. 2000) (8Kb, pdf)
Burning Plasma Science Workshop Announcement (Oct. 2000) (8Kb, pdf)
DOE Office of Fusion Energy Science
NRC prepublication draft of Assessment of DOE's Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Program (1.2MB, pdf)
OFES New Programs in Fusion Energy Sciences Solicitation Results Summary (Sep.2000) (24Kb, pdf)
Integrated Program Planning Activity (IPPA) final report (Sep.2000) (828Kb, pdf)
(See July 12, 2000 UFA e-news for details)
Statement On The Fiscal Year 2001 Fusion Energy Science Budget Before The Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
FY2001 Testimony (Mar. 2000) (13Kb, pdf)
FY2001 Testimony (Mar. 2000) (8Kb, html)
IT Budget Comparisons (Mar. 2000) (23Kb, pdf)
OFES FY2001 Budget Request (Feb. 2000) (144Kb, pdf)
Energy and Water Appropriation for DOE in FY 2000 (Sep. 1999) (760Kb, pdf)
Presentations to congressional staff
Congress and the Fusion Energy Sciences Program: A Historical Analysis --- prepared by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress (CRS Report RL30417) (Jan. 2000) (270Kb, pdf)
Progress in Fusion: What's It Been and Where's It Going?
Luncheon Briefing 1/19/00
Fusion and Plasma Physics at the Energy Frontier (608Kb, pdf)
FE Highlights and Challenges (5400Kb, pdf)
MFE Highlights and Challenges (743Kb, pdf)
Fusion Energy Sciences - The Restructured Program (8100Kb, pdf)
Broader Fusion Reports
European Fifth Framework: The Fusion Assessment Board Report (Oct. 2000) (1.3Mb, pdf)
Thermonuclear Fusion Energy : Assessment and Next Step by Rene Pellat (Mar. 2000) (250Kb, pdf)
SnowMass & FESAC related presentations & reports
SnowMass Burning Plasma Summary Report (Jul.1999) (135Kb, pdf)
SEAB Task Force on Fusion Energy Report (Aug. 1999)
FESAC Panel on Priorities and Balance Report (Sep. 1999) (110Kb, pdf)
FESAC Criteria, Goals, & Metrics Panel Report (Oct. 1999) (115Kb, pdf)
National Research Council Assessment of Fusion Science, Interim Report (Sep. 1999 ) (340Kb, pdf)
Fusion Summer Study (SnowMass Meeting - July 1999) Summaries:
Presentations to congressional staff 1/7/99
Grunder Panel Report to FESAC (Jan, 1998) (25Kb, pdf)
PCAST U.S. Program of Fusion Energy R & D Report (Jul. 1995) (450Kb, pdf)