Інформація від International Mathematical Union

Дата публікації допису: 26 трав. 2018 6:39:02

The IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) is coordinating the project "A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences" which pursues these principles by addressing the gender gap issue as an international collaboration, with particular focus on understanding and helping reduce the gender gap in developing countries.

How to Measure It? How to Reduce It? These are the main questions which should be understood. This project is funded by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and co-funded by its 11 participating organizations.

One of the tasks of the project is a Global Survey of Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Scientists. Its aim is to collect data across the world to inform policy makers from all countries, especially developing countries, about reducing the gap between men and women in mathematical, computing, and natural sciences.

For this Task, CWM is seeking as much input as possible.

You are welcome to forward this link to the survey to your colleagues, men and women. Invitation letters to participate in the survey are available here in English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.

The survey is open from May 1, 2018 until October 31, 2018.

The organizers of the project ask us to circulate the information within our community and to invite our colleagues to answer the survey.

Alessandra Celletti

Chair of the Women in Mathematics Committee of the EMS

Marie-Francoise Roy

Chair the IMU Committe for Women in Mathematics