
Fall 2019

Midterm 1: See the Old Exam Material folder for the in-class portion blanks, answers, and solution code for both version 1 and version 2

Midterm 2: See the Old Exam Material folder for the in-class portion blank, version with answers, and solution code.

Final: See the Old Exam Material folder for the in-class portion blank and solution code.

Spring 2019

Midterm 1: In class portion blank (version1 pdf,  version2 pdf);  Test verification program that includes answers for version1 and version2.

Midterm 2: In class portion blank (version1 pdf, version 2 pdf);  Test verification program for version1 and version2.

Final: In class portion blank pdf;  Test verification program

Fall 2018

Midterm 1: In class portion blank (pdf);  Test verification program that includes answers.

Midterm 2: In class portion blank (pdf);  Test verification program that includes answers.

Final: In class portion blank (pdf) and with answers (pdf); Final In-lab problems (see 5 functions at bottom) 

Spring 2018

Midterm 1: In class portion blank (pdf);  Test verification program with answers; In lab versions

Midterm 2: In class portion blank (pdf);  Test verification program with answers; 

Final: In class portion blank (pdf);  Test verification program with answers  

Fall 2017

Midterm 1: In class portion blank (pdf)

Midterm 2: In class portion blank (pdf)

                    Exam answers for midterms 1 and 2 (pdf)

Final: In class portion blank (pdf) and answers (text)

Spring 2017

Midterm 1: In class portion blank and with answers (both pdf); code verification program with answers, in lab portion description and solution

Midterm 2: In class portion blank (pdf) and answer key (png);  in lab portion description and solution

Final: in class portion blank (pdf) and answers (txt)

Browse old exam material (from some of the above links) here.

See older test pages here.