

See the course schedule for due dates.  See the Piazza Resources tab for program solutions.


The Lab,TA, Tutoring page (see link in navigation bar at left) has the schedule of the professor, grad and undergrad office hours and locations.  Also see the CS Department tutors in the CS lab tutoring room, next to SEL 2260

What to Expect

To get an idea of what is expected for documentation, see a previous assignment  Guess Number and a solution.

To see what sort of assignments overall are given in CS 141, take a look at the previous semesters of CS 141 on my web site.

The Programming Process

To help understand the programming process in C/C++, see the Coins exchange program (swap the places of the X's and the O's). See the first approach with a confusion of nested ifs, the second approach using switch statements for more generic code, and a third version using functions.