Prog 6: Vexed Undo

Implement a text-based version of Vexed, similar to program4.  Use a linked list to implement infinite undo back to the beginning of the game.  

Note no late submissions will be accepted for program 6!  Grading will be done on only the Codio assessments, with no grading for programming style.  We will still run the MOSS program comparison program, to compare the parts of code that you do write.

Run my solution within Codio, and see the Codio guide for the input used in the assessments.  Below is a 2.5 minute video showing what the program looks like when it runs:

Note how a representation of the linked list is shown after each move.  This will help you debug your program, and provides evidence that your linked list implementation is working correctly.

The starter code supplied for you within Codio already does everything you need, except for implementing undo using a linked list.  As explained in the comments in the starter code, you will need to do the following: