Alberto Megías Robles

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoctoral researcher at the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (University of Granada). PhD in Experimental Psychology and Behavioral Neurosciences from the University of Granada (2014). Master's in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Granada (2009). Graduated in Psychology from the University of Málaga (2008).

Research interests in the areas of experimental psychology, decision making, traffic psychology, neuroscience, and applied psychology.

Papers in the last 5 years

Megías, A., Navas, J. F., Petrova, D., Cándido, A., Maldonado, A., García-Retamero, R. and Catena, A. (2015). Neural mechanisms underlying urgent and evaluative behaviors: An fMRI study on the interaction of automatic and controlled processes. Human Brain Mapping. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.22812

Díaz-Román, A., Megías, A., Díaz-Piedra, C., Catena, A., & Di Stasi, L. L. (2015). Seeing red on the road. Perception, (44).

Di Stasi, L. L., Megías, A., Cándido, A., Maldonado, A., & Catena, A. (2014). The Influence of Traffic Signal Solutions on Self-Reported Road-Crossing Behavior. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17, E103.

Megías, A. (2014). Emotional modulation of urgent and evaluative behavior in risky driving situations. [Doctoral Thesis]. Universidad de Granada. Directores: Antonio Maldonado, Antonio Cándido y Andrés Catena.

Megías, A., Di Stasi, L.L., Maldonado, A., Catena, A., Cándido, A. (2014). Emotion-laden stimuli influence our reactions to traffic lights. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 22, 96-103.

Megías, A., Cándido, A., Catena, A., Molinero, S., & Maldonado, A. (2014). The passenger effect: Risky driving is a function of the driver-passenger emotional relationship. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 254-258.

Torres, A., Catena, A., Cándido, A., Maldonado, A., Megías, A., & Perales, J.C. (2013). Cocaine Dependent Individuals and Gamblers Present Different Associative Learning Anomalies in Feedback-Driven Decision Making: A Behavioral and ERP Study. Frontiers in psychology. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00122.

Torres, A., Catena, A., Megías, A., Maldonado, A., Cándido, A., Verdejo-García, A., & Perales, J.C. (2013) Emotional and non-emotional pathways to impulsive behavior and addiction. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:43. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00043

Contreras, D., Megías, A., Maldonado, A., Cándido, A., & Catena, A. (2013). Facilitation and Interference of Behavioral Responses by Task-irrelevant Affect-laden Stimuli. Motivation and emotion, 37(3), 496-507.

Megías, A, López-Riañez, M., & Cándido, A. (2013). Conductas urgentes y evaluativas en función del nivel de riesgo en situaciones de conducción. Anales de psicología, 29 (3), 1032-1037.

Serrano, J., Di Stasi, L.L., Megías, A., & Catena, A. (2013). Affective-sound effects on driving behaviour. Transport. DOI: 10.3846/16484142.2013.815133

Megías, A., Maldonado, A., Catena, A. & Cándido, A., (2012). Two ways of understanding the emotional influence in traffic psychology. Securitas vialis, 13, 147-172.

Serrano, J., Di Stasi, L.L., Megías, A., & Catena, A. (2012). Effect of Directional Speech Warnings on Road Hazard Detection. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12, 630-635.

Di Stasi, L.L., Megías, A., Cándido, A., Maldonado, A. & Catena, A. (2012). Congruent visual information improves traffic signage. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(4), 438–444.

Catena A, Perales JC, Megías A, Cándido A, Jara E, et al. (2012) The Brain Network of Expectancy and Uncertainty Processing. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40252. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0040252