Ana Torres

E-mail: anatorres[at]

Learning, Emotion, and Decision Group

Department of Psychology

Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center.

University of Granada.



Addiction Behaviors, Decision-making, Impulsivity, Decision-Processes, Reward/Punishment Sensitivity, Emotion, Neuroscience, EEG, Learning.


Ana Torres is a PhD student at the Department of Experimental Psychology in the University of Granada. She graduated in psychology at the University of Murcia and completed her MSc in Neurosciences at the University of Granada. She was working as psychologist at AGRAJER (Granadian Association of Gamblers in Rehabilitation) for 3 years, where her interest in researching addictions originated. As part of her doctoral thesis she currently investigates the role of impulsivity and the role of reward/ punishment on decision-making and addictive-like behavior. In particular, she focuses on investigating mechanisms that can account for the triadic relationship between addictive behaviors, performance in decision-making tasks, and personality traits (and neurobiological underpinnings) in gamblers, cocaine abusers, and recreational drugs users.


Torres, A., Perales, J. C., & Megías, A. (2012). El papel de la impulsividad y las alteraciones en toma de decisiones en el juego patológico. En I. Montero, et al. (Eds.). La investigación en motivación y emoción: Contribuciones de jovenes investigadores en formación. Madrid: UAM Ediciones, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. (pp. 241-256).

Torres, A., Catena, A., Megías, A., Maldonado, A., Cándido, A., Verdejo-García, A., & Perales J. C. (2013). Emotional and non-emotional pathways to impulsive behavior and addiction. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:43. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00043

Torres, A., Catena, A., Cándido, A., Maldonado, A., Megías, A., & Perales, J.C. (2013). Cocaine Dependent Individuals and Gamblers Present Different Associative Learning Anomalies in Feedback-Driven Decision Making: A Behavioral and ERP Study. Frontiers in psychology. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00122.

Torres, A., Verdejo-García, A., Navas, J.F., Candido, A., López-Torrecillas, F., & Perales, J.C. (2013). Mapping the relationships between personality, decision-making, and potentially addictive behaviors: I. The role of sensitivity to reward and punishment.In press.

Torres, A., Verdejo-García, A., Navas, J.F., Maldonado, A., Cándido, A., & Perales, J.C., (2013). Mapping the relationships between personality, decision-making, and potentially addictive behaviors: II. The role of impulsivity dimensions. In press.