Our Response to Covid-19
We are following the national response guidelines for COVID-19.
We have a fully operational risk assessment in place you can view our risk assessment here
As a setting we have had to make a few changes to ensure, we all as a community, remain safe
On site, please wear a mask if you are able to
Please sanitise your hands on arrival
If you are unwell, or are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 please do not enter the setting.
If you child attends the setting and is displaying symptoms of coronavirus or a member of your family has tested positive, please let us know immediately; Call 01884 841010 or email
We are part of the NHS track and trace service
All our staff have access to self testing kits
PPE is available for all staff and visitors
We are working along side the primary school to ensure all who use our settings remain safe
Visitors by appointment only, any parental concerns you have about your child or if you wish to talk to a member of staff, please do so by phoning or email Call 01884 841010 or email
Walking Bus (8.30pm - 9am and 3.10pm - 3.30pm)
As part of our commitment to flexible and affordable childcare, we as a setting, have extended our provision for the walking bus to co-inside with the staggered start and finish times of the primary school
Speak to staff member if you want to join the walking bus
Emotional wellbeing - children and young people during Covid-19
The last few months have been a strange and challenging time for many people. Children may respond to anxiety in different ways, such as being more clingy, anxious, withdrawing, sad or angry. It is normal to have such emotions and behaviours if they are worried and it’s important that their we listen to them and reassure them
Children need adults’ love and attention, and especially during difficult times. Respond to
your child’s reactions in a supportive way. Listen to their concerns and give them extra
love and attention to reassure themKeep to regular routines and schedules as much as possible, or help create new ones in a
new environment, including school/learning as well as time for safely playing and relaxingTalk to them about the situation appropriate to their age and understanding in an open
and transparent way. Discus the news with them but try and avoid over-exposure to
coverage of the virus, to avoid worrying them too much
The Every Mind Matters campaign developed by Public Health England has a dedicated section on mental health and self-care for young people.
Public Health England have produced some guidance for parents and carers
The Mental Health Foundation has some more useful information here about talking to children about scary news