Healthy activites and food programme
(HAF scheme)
Summer HAF will be running from
Week one 25th -28th July 2022
Week two 1st -4th August 2022
Week three 8th - 11th August 2022
Week four 15th -18th August 2022
Let's bake and free play
Premier Education
Nerf wars
Multi sports
3D printing day
About the HAF scheme
The aim of the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is to support children to eat more healthily, be more active over the school holidays and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition as well as be more engaged with school and other local services.
Is my child eligible?
The HAF programme is primarily for children aged 5-16 years (and can include 4-year-olds already in Reception year) who are eligible for and receiving benefits-related free school meals (FSM), and their families. If it encourages your child to attend, they can bring a friend. We also encourage HAF providers to make places available to children who aren’t eligible but can pay to attend.
15% of the funding can be used to provide places considered as vulnerable or in need of this provision. This may include, for example:
Children assessed as being in need
Looked-after children
Children with an EHC plan (education, health and care)
Children assessed as otherwise vulnerable
Children living in areas of high deprivation
Children in families who are struggling due to COVID restrictions
Children in families who are electively home educated – not in education – and who would be eligible for Free School Meals if attending school or eligible under other vulnerabilities
Please note that not all activity providers will be able to accommodate the full age range of the programme. Please check with the provider what age group is appropriate to their activity
Click on the link for the full list of HAF provides across Devon
What if my child has additional needs?
If your child requires assistance for the activity, the parent or carer may be welcome to attend or the activity provider may offer extra support for your child. Please contact the given provider to discuss further.
The providers on offer include those experienced in working with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and are therefore appropriately trained to support children with a disability or additional needs.
Does my child need to bring anything?
Just themselves, a smile (hopefully!), and appropriate clothing for the activity.
If the activity is outdoors, please remember to bring a waterproof coat. If for some reason your activity is cancelled due to wet weather, the activity provider will endeavour to contact you at the earliest opportunity to let you know.
Will meals and refreshments be provided?
Yes they will!
A healthy meal will be provided each day along with all snacks and drinks
If your child has a food allergy or special dietary requirement, or if you have a question about the meal, please can you speak to us when booking, we can accommodate all dietary requirements
Impact statement
So far, we have provided:
375 places were made available during the summer 2021 holidays
75 places during the Christmas Holidays
Summer 2021: 361 places were filled
We have supported 33 families , so far!
Cooked over 600 nutritious meals
Provided over 120 hours of physical activites
Ensured that every child who attended could grow, develop and enjoy the holidays !
Our recipes and Hampers
We all know children can be fussy eaters! Here are links to the meals which have been cooked at Uffculme Pre-school holiday Club.
All children have thoroughly enjoyed each meal provided and always asked for more!
For further information on Every Mind matters please go to:
Public Health England
Facebook account: @publichealthengland
Twitter account: @PHEuk
NHS England
Facebook account: @NHSWebsite
Frequently ask questions
I have an invite, what do I now do?
Register your interest with us immediately at with the subject heading - Holiday club 2021. We can then send you a welcome pack which will contain all the information you need
Is there any costs?
No, we have secured government funding from Devon County Council to run the whole program. All the activities, meals and snacks are provided for.
Does my child child have to attend all through the summer ?
No, we do ask you let us know what days you wish you child to attend. As this is a funded course, spaces are limited, the days you do not want we can offer to another child.
My child is not eligible can they still attend?
Yes of course! They can take part in all activities. There will be a charge for lunch- £2.50 or they can bring a packed lunch. The cost for holiday club is £20 a day (9am- 3.30pm)
I work, can my child do additional hours?
Yes they can, we pride ourselves on being flexible with childcare, let us know what times you need and we will endeavour to accommodate. There will be a charge for additional hours even if your child is part of the funded holiday program
What does my child need to bring?
We recommend lose comfortable clothing and trainers - there will be plenty of physical activities throughout each day. A hat, sun cream, lightweight coat, any medication they need and a water bottle. Please could all this be named and in a named rucksack.
My child has additional needs, can you accommodate this?
Yes, please speak to our holiday club leaders- Serane and Lindsay. They will discuss any concerns you have and make all the necessary arrangements to accommodate your child's needs
My child takes medication during the day?
Please ensure you speak to our holiday club leaders - Serane and Lindsay. They will ensure all the necessary forms are handed in and the medication is kept safe and administered.
Are you a COVID secure?
Yes we are! We are following government advice. All are staff have access to lateral flow tests, have access to PPE and we have the NHS track and trace service available. We have a comprehensive risk assessment and have ensured all planned activities have a copy of our risk assessment before attending our setting. We advise everyone to keep adhere to social distancing where possible and if able to, wear a face mask when attending the setting
We do ask that if someone in your household develops symptoms, you contact us immediately.
Uffculme Pre- School and Out of Hour Club
Ashley Rd
EX15 3AY
Telephone:01884 841010