RC Magazines and Websites

All of these magazines and web sites have great reviews and training tips.  Most have videos, plans, tips and building tricks.


Radio Control Magazines:


AMA Model Aviation - Official Magazine of the Academy of Model Aeronautics.


AMA Sport Aviator  - Good resource for new pilots.  Checkout the Sure-Start-Guide and First Steps.


Model Airplane News - Main site for several magazines related to Model Airplane News.  Check out the weekly Radio Control Show videos.  Also, they have an app for that.


Fly RC - Training, "Wing Tips", Reviews, Flight Reports, Plans and more...





Academy of Model Aeronautics - Sign up or renew your AMA membership.  Links to everything you need.


AMA Library - Library of past Model Aviation Magazines.  Want to find an article from 1975?  This is the place to start looking.


AMA Flight School - AMA Flight School is the education resource that answers the question How Do I?


RCM Plans - Plans for each construction article featured in R/C Modeler Magazine.


RC Powers.com - Free foamie plans, newsletter and ideas.


Jacob's Online - Need to build a foam cutter?  Here's parts and schematics. 

( I have a schematic of my own if you want one with overkill features. charlie )


Google Hosting pages related to RC:


ArduPilot - DIY Telemetry and UAV system


Arducam - DIY Want to add remote video to your UAV?


HappyKillmore GCS - DIY A nice Ground Control Station to work with your ArduPilot system.


DIY Drones - Online store for DIY Drones using ArduPilot.


Super Circuits Video System - DIY Need audio and video from 15 miles away?