Charity Fun Flys

For our club, community involvement is very important.

Once a year the club selects a charity and hosts an event to help out a non-profit organization.

The events are full days of fun, flying and fellowship at our club flying field. Each pilot is typically asked to bring a donation toward the charity, be it toys, can food or monetary.

Typically the donation is approximately $10 in value as landing fee. Although this seems like a small fee, most pilots will bring multiple donations for their landing fees.

We also raise money throughout the afternoon by selling raffle tickets for donated items and lunch's. By raffling off items we hope to raise more money in ticket sales than what the items are valued at.

Any donation would be greatly appreciated!

This year our event will be the Charity Big N Small RC Fun Fly - November the 10th. The date was changed to avoid conflicts with other events.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Training Day 2012 Big N Small RC Fun Fly 2012

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Big n Small RC Fun Fly supporting the

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas, was held on October 21st.

Our charity event for 2013 was in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas (, which utilizes adult volunteers (β€œBigs”) to mentor kids (β€œLittles”) ages 6 through 18. The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. They are a 501 (c)(3) organization and one of the oldest and largest youth organizations in the US.

The event was a windy day of fun, flying and fellowship at our club flying field. Each pilot will be asked to bring a $10 or more donation as a landing fee. Although this seems like a small fee, most pilots will bring multiple donations for their landing fees. We will also raise money throughout the afternoon by selling raffle tickets for other donated items. By raffling off items we hope to raise more money in ticket sales than what the items are valued at. Our past events ranged from Toys for Tots, to supporting our local food bank which drew in approximately 50+ pilots and spectators and raised appreciated donations to the charities. It’s our goal and hope to keep raising the bar each year.

In addition to the our Charity Event we worked with Big Brother Big Sisters to have them come out to our field with their Littles and try their hand at flying with our club trainers. The goal is to have this fun day in the early afternoon which will then be followed by one of our clubs organized night flys. Our hope with this is to gain interest in the hobby, give the Bigs and Littles another opportunity to have fun all while learning in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math). Our planned date is July 21st for the day we would to like to have them out for the afternoon and evening.

In the end we raised $1226.00 for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas.

Follow this link to see what the Big Brothers and Big Sisters had to say about our event:

Thanks to all our Supporters

Blast Pit BBQ Eccentric Heart Photography AMA Morgan Fuels B&E Graphix Smart Fly

Morgan Fuels Aeroworks BSI Adhesives Balsa USA Tower Hobbies Satellite City Inc.

RTL Fasteners Greatplanes Hacker MaxfordUSA Byron Fuels Hobby People

Common Sense Castle Creations Espirt Innovative Designs BMJR Models Armsafe

Dymond USA 1st US R/C Flight School Troy Built Models MDW Aviation J&L Power Products

AirBorne Models US Ring Container