Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins calls for all atheists to pray for religious people

Richard Dawkins is a man on a mission, to save the planet from God, not actually God, but all the people that believe in him.

He has noticed that over the years, most problems have been caused by religion and various belief systems and that the majority of them are claiming to believe in the same deity, God. Also the people that feel the need to be watched over by a non corporeal, omnipotent spirit are in such a poor state of mental health that it is akin to requiring some serious sofa time with a top dollar shrink.

"That's when I decided to enlist the help of the big man upstairs" explains Professor Dawkins. "I realised that there were just way too many poorly people to help all at once, unless of course you just so happen to be the father of all creation.

The problem is that all the random prayers are just too incoherent that the invisible bearded one can't make head nor tale of what is actually being prayed for.

That's when I came up with the idea for International Atheist Pray-Day, all the atheists, on the same day, to pray to God in one unified prayer. Circumvent the pope and all the other religious leaders and go straight to the CEO, telling him to kick his followers into line and stop fannying about"

When questioned regarding his own beliefs, or lack of them, Professor Dawkins declined to comment other than to state that he saw no irony in what he was saying and just because he doesn't believe in God, doesn't mean that he doesn't exist.

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