20-21 Magnetism and Induction

Magnetism and Induction| Download this syllabus | All Handouts

Chapter 20, 21 Syllabus



Dec 13


Dec 15


Jan 3


Jan 5



Jan 9


Jan 11


Jan 13


Jan 18


Jan 20


Jan 24


Jan 26


Jan 30


•Intro to Magnetism


•Tests Back

Due on this class

Read: 20.1-3, 5


Read: 20.4

Check #1: 20: 1, 2(1.1 N), 3, 5

Read: 20.7, 8, 10, 11, 12

Check #2: 20:9, 10(1.05E-13 N North), 11, 12(v, x, >)


Read: 21.1-2

Check #3: 20: 13, 14(1.6 m), 15, 16(2.5E6 m/s, 4.1 mm)  E.C.#19 (hint: T = 2πr/v)

•Domains and permanent magnets

•Electric currents and magnetism

•Force on current-carrying wires:  Part 1: Physics Tai Chi

•Force on current-carrying wires: Part 2: Magnitude and direction

•PreQuiz 20.1 – Vector Cross Products (handout)

•Force on charged particles – motion in B fields (S: 20.4)

•The Hall Effect

•Crossed field problems: Eq = qvB

10:01IBII 20-03 Quandary and crossed fields problems (1/3)

•Hysteresis - a demo I probably shouldn't do...

•Galvanometers and Speakers

10:01IBII 20-07-02 Motors, Galvanometers, Speakers (1/2)

•DC Motors

•Solving voltages, currents and power in transformers (S: 21.7)

•Transmission of electrical power

•Skill Set 20.2

•Skill Set 20.1

•Lenz's discovery and magnetic flux

•Electromagnetic induction

•Lenz's law

•PreQuiz 20.2 – Calculating force, trajectory, magnetic field. (handout)

•More induction

•Induced EMF in moving conductors

•My friend eddy


•PreQuiz 21.1 –Direction of induced current (handout)

Read: 21.3, 4, 6

Read: 21.5, 7

Check #4: 21:1, 2(acw), 3, 5, 6(.048 V), 8(acw, cw),  9

Check #5:21: 10(acw), 11, 12(.0144 V, .120 V/m down ), 13

Read: 21.8

Check #6: 21: 15,30(13,700 turns) 31, 32(.21)

Check #7: 21: 33, 34(5.6 V step down), 35, 36(487 V, 60.9 A)

Check #8: 21: 37



Turn In: Homework: 8 stamps

Turn In: Magaprobe Lab


IBII 200701 Problem 5 from the PreQuiz 20.1

IBII 200702 Hall Effect Explained

IBII 200703 Magnetic Field Lines

IBII 200704 Hysteresis and Magnetization(1/2)

IBII 200704 Hysteresis and Magnetization(2/2)

• Magnet lab Intro/Brainstorm/Design criteria recap

•Magnetic field patterns for Solenoids, Wires, and Flat circular coils

•MagnaProbe Lab (directions at station)

•Choose variables for Magnet lab

•Skill Set 21.1

•Work on Magnet lab

•PreQuiz 21.2 – Calculating emf, current, transformers (handout)

•Work on Magnet lab

•Skill Set 21.2

•Work on Magnet lab

•Work on Magnet lab

Research Symposium – 6:00 – 9:00 in Lecture Hall

Test on Ch 20-21 (normal test)

SkillSet Final!!!!



·          2 Labs:

o         MagnaProbe Lab – quick exploration of magnetic fields

o         Magnet Lab – student designed lab – no handout

·          4 PreQuizzes/Skillsets

o         20.1 – Vector cross product

o         20.2 – Force trajectory and magnetic field

o         21.1 – Direction of induced current

o         21.2 – Calculating emf, current, transformers

·          Homework from 8 days

·          A big test on the two chapters – You will need to study for this – there are some word answers



·          PreQuiz20.1

·          PreQuiz20.2

·          PreQuiz21.1

·          PreQuiz21.2

·          This Syllabus