Momentum Mock Test

Four pages, cross off 1 full page.  Here is what to study from your homework

Page 1 - Like Impulse and Momentum worksheet - including a rocket taking off from the earth like I&M#1, 4, 7, 11, 15

Page 2 - Bullet going through blocks of wood - Like SOCOM #3

Page 3 -Rocket taking off from the earth - like I&M #11-15

Page 4 -Red Elk jumps from cart to cart - like SOCOM #1, 2



MOMENTUM MOCK TEST!  Download the mock test: Misc-MomentumMockTest.doc

1. Two 400 g blocks of wood are at rest on that by now familiar frictionless surface.  A 78 g bullet initially going 890 m/s goes through both blocks.  Following this, the first block is moving 7 m/s, and the second 4 m/s.  Neither the bullet nor the blocks lose any pieces.     

   A=834 m/s B=854 m/s C=30,892 J, 28,443 J D=0.00054 s     

Murray Solving This Question in a really boring way:



2. A rocket has a total mass of 20 kg.  The weight of the actual rocket itself is 8 kg. It consumes the fuel in 4.7 seconds, generating 1290 N of thrust as it takes off from EARTH vertically upward.

A=12 kg, 2.55 kg/s  B=506 m/s C=54.7 m/s2, 151 m/s2 D=4539 N

Yeah - Another boring solution.....


You should also spend time looking at questions like Thor and Priscilla on the carts….because I see someone in the distance on some carts, preparing to jump….could it be……is it really him????????