02 Linear Kinematics

Help for the: IB Moving Plots Lab | IB Air Rocket Lab

All handouts and lectures for this chapter:  Handouts | Lectures






Lab - Air Rocket

Lab - Moving Plots

Misc - IB Data Booklet

Misc - Course Policy

Worksheet - How Far III

Worksheet -Graphs Of Motion


Syllabus-Linear Kinematics



[1]You can use a paper or stretchy cover if you wish.  Stretchy is better.

[2] This is the block of the syllabus, and the numbers that follow are the dates that they will happen, the first is for A day classes, the second for B.

[3]Note that this column is for readings, things to be brought to class completed, or things to be turned in.  This is the due date for these things, not what you do after the class described to the left.  If the item is checked, that refers to problems you should have completed by that class.  I will start the class by coming around and stamping them, so have them out.  .  So on block 2, for example, you will turn in your speed trap lab from the first day. 

[4]These are readings from your book.  You will understand class much better if you read the book even casually the night before.  Section 2.1 starts on page 19

[5]These are your daily homework problems.  The “2:” in front of them means they are from Chapter 2. Other things are from worksheets.   Be sure to do the Problems, not the Questions.  (If you are IB, you should try to answer the questions as practice)  Solutions for many of the problems are on my website if you get stuck – answers to odd problems are in the back of the book and you need to check them yourself.   I put the answers to even numbered problems after that number in this syllabus.  Start each day’s homework on a new sheet of paper and label the page Day #1, Day #2, etc.  Show your work.  At the beginning of class I will stamp these, and you could write them on the whiteboard and explain them for extra credit.  I need you to do your homework each class as we go, so un-stamped homework is not accepted late.

[6]This lab is outdoors, and we will avoid downpours and temperatures below 45oF only, so bring your rain jacket and be prepared to go outside in a light drizzle or in cooler temperatures.  If it is canceled, it will fall on the next appropriate day.

[7]These are the items on the internal assessment that I will score for that particular lab.  For class points, you need to do what the lab asks, for IB assessment; you may need to do more.  If you are an IB student, you may affix a practical work cover sheet to the front of the lab, and indicate which areas you want me to score.

[8] These are for the next homework assignment – so keep them separate from the previous assignment you did.