
Article I Name

The name of the organization shall be the Tri-State Photographic Society.  Within this organization there shall be two divisions:  Pictorial and Nature.

Article II Purpose

The intent of this club shall be to promote an interest in photography for pleasure, education and recreation.

Article III Membership

Any person interested in photography may become a member of this club.

Article IV Officers

The officers of the club shall be president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.  Their duties shall be those usually pertaining to these offices.

Article V Executive Committee

This club shall have an Executive Committee, as specified in the constitution, which shall formulate club policy.  Board actions will be final unless overridden by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members in good standing present at a regular meeting of the club.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, at least one representative of the Print chairs and Projected Digital Image (= PDI) chairs, and one additional representative-at-large who will be appointed by the president.

Article VI Vacancies

Section 1:

If the office of the president becomes vacant for any reason, it shall be taken over for the remainder of the term by the vice-president.

Section 2:

If any office other than the president becomes vacant, it shall be filled by appointment of the president for the remainder of the term. 

Article VII Meetings

Section 1:

Regular meetings of the Pictorial division shall be held on the first Friday of each month unless otherwise announced; programs and refreshments will usually accompany Pictorial meetings.  Regular meetings of the Nature division shall be held on the third Friday of each month unless otherwise announced; short business sessions will usually accompany Nature meetings.

Section 2:

Special meetings may be called by the president.

Section 3:

A year-end awards program shall be held in March unless otherwise announced by the president.

Article VIII Amendments

Amendments to this constitution may be made at any time by a two-thirds affirmative vote of members in good standing present at a regular or special meeting of the club.

Article IX By-Laws

By-laws for the transaction of business of this club may be adopted, revoked, or amended at any time by a majority vote of members in good standing present at a regular or special meeting of the club.

Banner photo by Bob Ihrig