Tips For Overseas Travel


Pack you underwear in shoes, jewelry in toe part, this way you'll always find

misplaced small items.I always take one color separates then co-ordinate w/scarves, take at least one shawl type for chilly nights. Also of all things I take a tulle (netting/Walmart) long 'shawl' usually black, it folds up to nothing and you'd be surprised ways it can be used for dress up occasions with a simple necklace.I leave ID/Passport/credit card copies w/friends but put copies of address and contact numbers in all suitcases... including carry on.

Most important


FLIGHT.. I always stow between seat cushion and frame or deep in seat back pocket. For highjack reasons, if anything happens claim you are Canadian and

passport was mistakenly checked.

American's are targeted and first to go in these situations. Have copy of passport

number scribbled somewhere as you will need as entry docs are passed out at end

of flight. Also, if you have a copy of birth certificate pack in suitcase - if passport

is lost/stolen you will need it.

Also NEVER carry passport on your body.... leave in HOTEL SAFE... NOT IN

ROOM. Most hotels have safe behind check in counter. Carry a copy on you as

most $$ exchanges need it for ID.

Most Post Offices have $$ exchange and give better rates... if you can find one.

NOTE: Beware ATM's charge daily exchange rate but credit cards add on another

charge (when you get home) for foreign machine. In other words you pay double service charge, check w/card company before you go. Lots of cell phones work.... for a charge, quite a few companies offer FREE TEXT.


it's herbal and you have no 'hangover'. Carry your own water bottle and fill it

yourself. DollarTree has collapsible ones.

AAA has free traveler's checks, it's sometimes a pain to find a place to cash but

most economical rates.

Carry a knife w/sheave, scissors, and of all things a spatula in your suitcase.. I

always have them with me. In addition to first aid, I carry small eyeglass repair

and sewing kit. You can find all these at Dollar Tree.

I also carry CRYSTAL LIGHT individuals - peanuts or sunflower seed kernels -

and instant oatmeal w/me, all have protein and fiber. You might want to mix

Energy Crystal Light with regular packets too, sometimes when you don't have

caffeine it's a great booster. All of these are available in Dollar Tree too, Crystal

Light is Welch's brand.

VERY IMPORTANT - if you can get prescription from doc - take PENICILLIN

w/you. I always have it w/me.

1. Make a Copy Passport & Credit Cards (Front & Back, and keep a copy here

with someone that can send it to you, or Drop Box etc.

2. Use large Zip Lock Bags at Costco or elsewhere ( and wrap

clothes and roll out the air creating a vacuum.

This protects your clothes from liquid and security touching your stuff, you can

get more Stuff in the suit case.

3. if you take a iPhone, iPad, or Camera, be sure to have the proper electrical

adapter plug. Most do not require a Transformer any more.

4. Make an excel spread sheet for packing, You can get 2 days use out of a top and

3 days out of pants, 1 day per under garments. match, tops match bottoms etc.

5. Make your own "First Aid Kit" with a variety of Aspirin, Lower GI meds, etc,

sun screen; at 2:00 in the morning it is nice to have it in your suit case.

6. Good shoes. (I or 2 pairs)

7. Money, Use Debit cards for CASH and Credit cards for charging things.

8. ATM, make sure your ATM card is set up, ( the ATM, usually has a max of

$500.00 USD per day)

9. Credit Card, notify your Credit card company before you depart, (CC have a $5

hit on international transaction, so we used cash)

10. Phone Service, Check your carrier for international service if applicable.

11. We take extra baggies and small trash bags for a variety of uses.

12. Extra "Duffle" type bag packed in your Suit Case for dirty clothes, in case you

purchase Items to pack in your suit case for protection.

13. If you take RX meds, keep those in your carry on,

14. Ear plugs, eye mask for the long flight.

15. We wear our Passport & CC & Money around our neck, under my shirt, be

aware of petty crime.

16. I go to my Dr. for Sleeping pills, but they are hard on your Body, but helps get

through the long flight. OR use Melatonin the natural one.

17. I take a travel case for knives, flash light, etc (A lot of times we have one meal

in the room, we purchase fruit, cheese etc from the market)