Subcommittee documents are now stored under the new Google Drive-based File Cabinet > Subcommittees folder.

Subcommittee Co-Chairs

Cheryl Lowrance

Senior Principal Transportation Engineer


Geographic Discipline Leader - Highways & Traffic Engineering

Colliers Engineering & Design

The objective of the Communications and Outreach Subcommittee is to provide a forum for Regional TSMO Committee members to coordinate, review and communicate in between January and mid-year Committee meetings.

Action plan for 2021-22 include:

RTSMO_Glossary_Update_Sept 2021-v1

Regional TSMO Glossary - Updated Draft (2021)

News and Updates

The Communications and Outreach subcommittee will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2019 from 1:30 - 3:15 PM in Marriott Marquis, Eastern Market (M3) 

Official meeting details on the interactive program can be found here: 

The meeting agenda is now available for review.  

RTSMO Communications Subcommittee 2020 AM AGENDA.pdf